Chapter 24

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*Two weeks later*

Raven's Pov

Today is my last day at work. I have tomorrow off and that is the day I make a.........uh......road trip somewhere. Somewhere I haven't been in a while. 

The past two weeks has been busy. I had gotten better and was now back to my normal strength. Cisco has been trying to get me to train and get use to my powers but I refused. I am still terrified of my powers. 

But what terrified me more was that man coming back. I thought it had been Barry but it wasn't. I didn't know who it was but I was terrified that he'd come back. 

I have caught up with my work and my letters have been coming in a lot and I have been working almost everyday and twice as hard. My boss has offered me a vacation and I turned it down. I couldn't think of a vacation. I just want to live a normal life.

No meta humans and now criminals trying to win my heart. Just a normal life. Going to work, and watching Star Wars and Marvel movies. And hanging out with Iris every now and then and having dinners at Joe and Iris's place. Even being the shadow when Iris and Eddie were on a date.

I looked at my computer's clock and saw it was time to pack up. I closed my laptop and I slipped it into my bag. 

I was leaving and my boss looked up from his desk and said "You're off tomorrow?"

I nodded and said "I'm going to take a little road trip." 

He smiled and said "Alright, see you on Friday."

I waved goodbye to him and left the building. I caught a taxi and called Iris. It rang three times before it went to voicemail. 

"Hey Iris. It's Raven. Just wanted to let you know that I am going out of the city for a day. I'm going on a.......uh......road trip. I'll let you know when I arrive to my destination." I said.

I left the message and I hung up and I tried to call Barry. It rang once, then twice and then he answered.

"Raven, hey." He said.

I smiled and said "Hey Barry. Just wanted to tell you that I am going out of the city for a day. I'm going on a little road trip."

"Oh ok. Um do you want me or Joe or Iris to go with you?" He said.

"Um no. I'm going alone." I said.

He paused for a moment then said "Alright. I'll see you when you get back?"

"Yes. Bye." I said.

"Bye." He said.

I hung up and got out of the taxi and I paid the driver. I walked to my apartment. I grabbed my bag that I had packed the night before and left the key in the secret place for Iris to find it. She had agreed to look after my apartment while I was gone.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and I went and got into Joe's car. He had lent it to me after an hour of me promising to not crash it. 

I tossed in my favorite CD in and turned up the volume. I put it in drive and I drove into the city streets.

Barry's Pov

"Barry I'm telling you. Something didn't seem right with her message." Iris said.

We were at Jitters and I was having my coffee with Iris. 

I put my coffee down and I said "Listen Iris. Raven is only gone on a road trip."

"And her wanting to go alone and not mentioning where she is going is nothing to you?" She said.

I sighed and said "Iris-"

She cut me off "Think about it Barry. She just recovered from being kidnapped. And her message was off. She sounded like something was wrong."

She sighed and said "I'm worried about her Barry."

"Look, she took your dad's car right?" I said.

She nodded and I said "Then I will just track Joe's car and I'll go check on her. And I'll be back and let you know if she is ok."

"Ok." Iris said.

I smiled and got up and left Jitters. I then flashed to the CCPD station and went to work on tracking Joe's car. Within seconds I found it and I frowned. The Place Raven was at was strange and not where you'd think a person would go to for a trip.

She was at a graveyard. 

I flashed out of the station and I flashed all the way to where she was. I stopped when I got to the entrance and I stood there with my eyes a little wide and surprise. 

Raven was on her knees at a large tombstone. She was wearing black and her hair was in loose curls and blew softly in the gentle breeze. She laid some pink roses on the tombstone and bowed her head. 

I stood there and I didn't know if I should approach her or not. She looked pretty sad and I wanted to make sure she was ok. 

I thought of that day where I had came in and saw her wiping some tears away. She was near a bookcase and she looked upset though she claimed she was fine. 

"This is where......they.....are buried."

I jumped a little when Raven spoke. I didn't even realize she knew I was here. Well, I guess she does know now.

"Where who are buried?" I asked her softly.

She sniffled and wiped some tears away and she said "My parents."

I got down on my knees and I read the stone. 

Grace and Alec Montgomery

Beloved mother and father.

I stared at it and she stood up. I looked at her and she was looking into the distance, tears falling down her face.

I stood up and I wrapped my arms around her. She turned and cried into my chest. Her shoulders shook as she wept. 

And I didn't say anything. I just let her cry silently into my chest. 

Now it made sense. She was upset that day because she was probably thinking of her parents. And that is why she took this road trip here. To visit her parents.

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