Chapter 5

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As I burst through the door, I saw Luke, obviously angry and upset.
"Sorry," he mumbled as I walked past him.
"Ok. Apology accepted," I replied blatantly.
I ran up the staircase without showing any affection towards him.
I pulled my laptop from under my bed, nothing special, just a pink thing which I've had since I was 14.
I waited for it to switch on, since it is so old, it takes forever to switch on. As soon as it went on to Google, I typed in 'London holidays'. It immediately came up with some of my favourite airlines.
After 20 minutes of scrolling through the different offers, I finally found the perfect one.
'Holiday in London for 2 weeks, L.A airport (no idea) to London airport (also no idea) £750'
it gave me a phone number to call, so I quickly dialled it and waited for someone to answer.
"Hello, this is RyanAir, how may I assist you?" A happy sounding lady answered.
"Hey, um I'd like to book that flight to London from L.A?" I half asked, nervous about Luke and Jai's reaction to this.
"Oh yes, of course! If you can just give me your card details and your full name, then that holiday will be yours!" She sounded too overly-cheerful as if she was the one going on holiday.
"Um, my card details are (whatever card details are), and my name is Charlotte.......Brooks," I lied about my last name for no reason at all.
"Great! The flight is tomorrow at 7am, thank you for booking this!"
"Yeah...thank you too, I guess.." After that I hung up on her, slightly creeped out. I walked over to my closet and opened the doors. I pulled the large suitcase off the top and unzipped it. First of all, I took out an comfy outfit for the plane, which I will leave out of the suitcase. As I was grabbing a week's worth of clothes, Beau walked into Luke and I's room.
"Are you...leaving?" Beau asked me, very confused about the suitcase lying on my bed, half filled with clothes.
"No, I'm not leaving. I could never leave this crazy house, I'm just going away for two weeks," I explained casually.
"Two weeks?! Luke will go apeshit without you!" He exclaimed, watching me pack more clothes.
'So will Jai' I thought in my head.
"Yeah, I know, but I think that we both just need some space from each other. I definitely need to think over some stuff about our relationship, and I think that he does too."

"Okaay. Look, if you need advice, I'd go to James. He's the best, kay?" Beau smiled before leaving. He was right-James is the best for advice. I finished packing my clothes and was just about to go into the bathroom and pack my makeup before Luke burst into our room.
"Charlotte?" He yelled, mainly because he couldn't actually see me since I was in the bathroom.
"What?" I walked back through to the actual bedroom.
"Don't go away for two weeks! I love you, I can't live without you for two whole weeks!" Luke grabbed my waist protectively and pulled me close so that our bodies were touching.
"Luke, I know, and I love you too. But I need some space and I need to think over our relationship. I know you do too," I took control over his arms and removed them from my waist, walking back through to the bathroom.
I'm not planning on wearing makeup on the plane, so I'll pack all this tonight.
"What things? Is this because you think I don't trust you? You know I trust you totally, 100%,"
"Really? Because somehow you seemed to think I was fooling on with your twin brother this morning. Sone trust we have," I placed the makeup on the top of the clothes and zipped up the suitcase.
"Charlotte! I am really sorry, honestly. How would you feel if you heard me talking to Brooke, in her bedroom?" Luke asked me, trying to put me in his position. Brooke is my younger sister, who lives back in Melbourne, so I have no idea how Luke would be in her bedroom.
"That's a totally different situation. Mainly because Brooke is a little whore, so I wouldn't be majorly surprised if she had a boy in her room. " I explain to Luke, who looks dumbfounded that I called my sister a whore.

To be fair though, she is. My last boyfriend, Zac, slept with her, and she has plenty boys over in a night. Add that to the fact that she's only 16. Yeah. And I'm 17. I paused slightly, scanning my brain, "Did I not tell you about Zac?" I try to recall telling Luke another story about my past.
"Charlotte, I'm not- look, let's go out. Today. We'll go to a movie or shopping. Something that girls like doing. Ok? Because I am willing to trail round Topshop for hours on end, just for you." Luke smiles, and I go to hug him.
Since Luke left the door open, I can see Jai, who's walking to his room, an he can see me hugging Luke lovingly. His eyes meet mine but I instantly look away. They are filled with hurt and jealously, something I've never seen Jai like.
I sigh heavily, undecided about Jai or Luke. "You ready to go?" Luke asks me as I pull away from the hug. He still keeps his arms around my waist and I keep mine around his neck.
"Yeah, but I don't want to go shopping or shit. Let's just drive, I like that stuff," I explain. He smiled at me when he knows that I know he doesn't really want to go to Topshop, but he'd do it for me.
I sort of half-smiled back at him because Jai is still in the back of my mind. It was just the look he gave me. Jealous and hurt by his own twin brother.

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