Chapter 3

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So after getting dressed I went downstairs only to be greeted by silence.

"Mace!" No answer.

"Shines!" No answer.

"Tim!" Still no answer.

Where could they be? And then I felt the wind blowing from the backyard door which was open. I hadn't realized the door was open so I went towards the door and stepped out into the backyard.

But I still didn't find them. Then...


I looked on top and found Mace standing on the balcony with a water balloon in hand and a big grin on his face.

"You spoiled my hair! How could you? You are sooooooo dead Mason Alexander Marsh!!!!"

"No need to thank me darling. I love you too."

So while he was too busy bathing in his pride, I ran through the door and up the stairs as fast I could and slid the balcony door open, only to be greeted by more water balloons thrown by six people. I was hit by one in the jaw, two in the abdominal region, two in the elbow and one on my right shin.

I was glaring at all of them with my mouth wide open in shock and was drenched with water from head to toe. There was water dripping from the tips of my beautiful brunette locks and there was water trickling down my back which caused me to shiver.

And Mace threw another one aimed right at my boobs and that's when I lost my shit and yelled, "What the fuck were you people thinking!? Huh? And you Mace what the fuck is your problem aiming balloons at an innocent girl's boobs?"

They all just stared at me and then burst out laughing.

"You guys do this," pointing to my current drenched state, "to me, and you'll have the audacity to stand and laugh at my miserable state. I fucking hate you guys. You'll are so... Ugh. I can't even."

I stormed out of the balcony and into my bedroom when I heard Tim tell Shania, "I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

After changing my clothes again, I walk down to the living room from where all the noise was coming to find all of them fighting over which movie to watch.

I stood in the doorway with my arms crossed and stared at them fighting. Then Shania looked up and saw me. "What do you think we should watch Bec? After much debating we have come down to two options." She said holding two DVDs in her hand. "Option one:- Superman Returns which is what the boys chose and Option two:- The Amazing Spiderman."

I just stood there with a smirk playing on my lips and replied, "How about none of the options you gave me? After all you just asked me to choose right?" Saying that I walked to the draw filled with DVDs and began searching for the girliest movie that I could think of at that moment, that will annoy the shit out of the boys since it was practically their idea to dump the water balloons on me. Then after searching through my collection I found the perfect movie.

I picked it out of the draw and announced, "We shall be watching this," I pointed to the DVD in my hand, "The Princess Protection Program!" Shania and Ivy were smirking from cheek to cheek while Mace, Tim, Josh and Nick groaned with disgusted looks on their faces.

So the seven of us somehow managed to fit on the couch and we watched the movie. Halfway through the movie the boys tried to get out by making excuses like, "I need to make a call" or "I really need to pee". But I had locked the door from inside with the key and tucked the key into my bra strap.

Now who would actually think that it was possible to do that and which boy would dare to check my bra and see if I hid the key there or not?

During the entire movie all the four guys were staring at the screen without blinking and I'm pretty sure they were drooling every time Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato came on screen (which was practically the whole movie).

After watching the movie we just decided to have a movie marathon one last time before I shifted to LA. We took a break at around 6:00 pm, to refresh ourselves while my brothers went to get us some pizza from this local pizzeria a few streets away.

" So what should we watch next??" Tim asked.

Shania suggested, "We should watch an action movie."

At this suggestion, Tim and Mace fist-bumped each other and at that moment, "Who wants pizza?" Josh asked as he barged into the kitchen. Then Nick said, "We didn't know how many we needed so we bought six boxes of pizza." He laid the boxes on the counter and continued, "Two margaritas with extra cheese, two pepperoni pizzas and two chicken supremes. That should be enough right?"



"Are you kidding? That's the perfect order."

"I'm hungry. Can we eat?"

And with that, we watched 'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' which I must admit was an amazing movie. At the same time we downed all six boxes of pizza and fell asleep on the couch with the movie playing all over again.

Please vote and comment. I feel encouraged to write more. I am open to suggestions as well

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