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"Hands off of him, boy."

An obnoxious sound of alarm clock startles Jimin awake. He groans, turning to his other side and facing the wall, doing his best to scoot as far away as the space would allow from the loud ringing and hoping the pillow pressed over his head will somehow, eventually help him tune out the noise so he could go back to sleep. But alas! That didn't go his way. What a plain wishful thinking.

Another long minute past before he accepted the fact that he has to wake up. Angrily muttering under his breath, he kicks the blanket off his legs that managed to tangle around his limbs over the night (or more like dawn), dragging his tired body out of the bed before blindly reaching on his bedside table to smack the alarm clock to stop.

Still with his eyes closed, he maneuvers himself to the bathroom inside his bedroom and thankfully gets there without his forehead or any part of his body greeting the wall. He stood in front of the mirror, languidly brushing his teeth first before stripping off his blue pyjamas, standing under the showerhead and sighing at the warm water hitting his body. His shoulders slouching and feeling his tense muscles slowly relaxing under the light pressure; feels nice.

6:30 AM and he has to attend his 7:00 AM Differential class and take long quiz in Physics at nine, so he had decided to pull another all-nighter last night that ends up of him finishing all the reviews at four this morning. He is naturally intelligent but he couldn't be sure, he has grades to maintain and keep up, and rank to secure; it is better be sure than sorry. He's also 100% sure his eyes are bloodshot from the lack of sleep, can feel the slight sting behind his eyelids. He sighs, he really hate Wednesdays. But on the bright side, it's Wash Day and means he doesn't have to wear uniforms.

He taps the shower knob off, toweling himself and reemerging to his bedroom, not wasting any minute before digging into his closet, throwing off the first clothes he grabbed—a pair of black skinny jeans that are tight enough to hug his thighs too well and loose gray sweater with a neckline too big enough to show his collarbones. His small frame's practically swimming in the fabric so he thinks it must be Taehyung's (maybe left after one of the many sleepovers with Seokjin) from the salty beach and lavender scent of it mixed with smell of detergent.

He was about to turn around after doing his hair in front of the body mirror when he felt a very, very slight sting against the lower part of his left ribcage as if there are a hundred of invisible needles lightly prickling on it. He gulps, slight fear coming on waves off him at the sudden and new feeling, cautiously reaching down to catch the hem of sweater before slowly pulling it up to his pectoral and seeing the snowflake mark on his skin lined in deep black—in deeper shade of black than he could remember, almost looking like a new tattoo.

He had the mark since birth, always been curious and checking it when he was younger. But the mark had always been a little less intense in color, as he remembered, almost just like a ghost of tattoo on his skin, light and soft. Until he's 18th birthday, when he first start feeling the same kind of shock of prickling pain from the inside, as if there's little fire crackling under his skin, licking down his flesh and bones while the mark color also gets deeper and a little more intense.

He squints at the deep black snowflake inked on his skin, details lined in intense color owning a part of his tan torso, way different from the once light and soft appearance of it.

The curiosity of the mark eats a large part of his brain but he doesn't dwell on it, he has more important things to think of—like his Differential class that will start in 10 minutes and long quiz in Physics right after. Shaking his head, he lets go of the hem of the sweater before gathering his stuffs and soon found himself bolting towards the campus.

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