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“A group of three kids, an alpha with two omegas, decided to bully me that whole day.”

It was four days later when Jimin sees Jeon around the campus again. He honestly doesn’t care where the boy had been for the past days but he’s a little curious. It’s just a little strange not to constantly frown at someone trying to annoy the wits out of him with every same classes they’re both taking, though, his life had been so much easier without the alpha for those four blessed days.

Last Sunday, Jimin had run so fast out of the clearing and into the main road in record time in human form he suffers from leg ache until the next day. The Kim brothers, like usual, paid his apartment a visit the same night with homemade dinner packed in different sizes of Tupperware, enjoying their food in front of the television with some Disney animation Taehyung had wanted to watch so much. Jimin and Seokjin wanted to watch something along the action or sci-fi genre, but Seokjin being immune, ignores his brother’s whining and left Jimin alone to suffer against the alpha’s puppy eyes until he gives in to the request.

Seokjin had snorted on them so hard he spits noodles on the floor. Gross.

The night ended well. The two politely declined his offer of staying the night, mentioning about the Wolf Ethics pop quiz Taehyung had never bothered to review during the weekend. Long story short, the alpha receives a deserving earful of scolding from both the beta and omega before Jimin’s shoving his own notes to Taehyung’s arms with a tired but fond huff. He knows the alpha likes reviewing his notes—clean and neat, legible and important points carefully highlighted—more than his own dizzying and confusing worm-like squiggles handwriting.

He didn’t dare mention about the accidental meeting with Jeon in the forest.

He was half-way with nursing a frappe Yoongi prepared for him when he saw Jeon, standing on the bottom step of stairs at the second floor of the Home Economics Department with two other people, chatting about something Jimin couldn’t hear given the far distance. He realizes, a bit too late, that the other two are none other than Namjoon and Hoseok that he both briefly sees at Yoongi’s coffee shop few days back.

Grateful that Jeon still hasn’t noticed him because the boy was facing back, Jimin decided to do some walkathon to escape his way out of the vicinity without any of the three seeing him or Jeon catching a whiff of his scent, wanting to reach his next class peacefully and without fuss. But seems like nothing in his plan is ever to go right when a certain Jeon is involves. Of course, Namjoon has to turn in his general direction and caught a glimpse of him, elbows his mate to catch his attention that resulted in Jeon following both their line of sight.

Jimin sees the world crumbling in front of him when Namjoon stalks over him, stopping in front of the omega and smiling that dimpled smile, his eyes belying as curiosity dusted his irises.

“Hi,” the dimpled-cheek boy says, right hand waving in front of them awkwardly.

Jimin wanted to step back to give them both decent distance but also doesn’t want to offend the alpha by doing so. So instead, he lets go of the straw that was still stuck in between his lips and forced a small smile, only to be polite because this boy, despite being friends with Jeon, is also Yoongi’s good friend (based on their interactions last time. Yoongi was a real picky when it comes to people, Jimin learns over the years—or maybe the first few seconds of their first meeting).

“Hi,” he answers, not daring to look at anything other than the alpha in front of him.

And then a body suddenly bounces against Namjoon’s side, slim arm linking around the alpha’s. Jimin barely catches himself from rolling his eyes and groaning because sweet hell he’s not about to deal with a jealous and over possessive omega.

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