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"I'm sorry I... I felt a little territorial again."

Jimin can feel his brain-gears stuttering, slowly moving to process the familiar name he had just heard, before finding himself scrambling on his feet, shoving his Laws and Ethics handouts back in his backpack without so much care and ignoring the slight sting on his wrist when he accidentally scratched himself with the pointy lead of his mechanical pencil as he zipped his bag, pushing his chair back and dashing to the front door as fast as his legs could.

He only made it halfway when he saw the familiar tall stature of a boy walking to the café, hands tucked in a long blue coat's pockets, red beanie hiding the brownish-blondish color of his hair; and Jimin's initial reaction to that is to panic out of his wits. So he does the first thing that comes to mind: run to the nearest possible pseudo-hide-out: the counter; where Yoongi is currently putting the coffee cups' lids, careful not to spill a single hot drop anywhere near him.

Jimin promptly ignores the startled yelp Namjoon lets out when he ungraciously runs around, and the half-confused half-amused look Yoongi throws at him as he ducks behind the counter, curling his already small frame into a smaller ball under, hugging his knees onto his chest and putting his index finger on his lips in a wordless favor.

"Shh," he shushes quietly, peering at his beta friend from under his fringe. And as if on cue, he hears the familiar chime above the glass door ringing signaling a new customer, his shoulders immediately tensing with nerves.

Without his permission, his breath catches in his throat; the smell of strong black coffee and raindrops mixing in the coffee shop aroma like it belong there, almost homogenous. Jimin swallows painfully, eyebrows creasing at every footstep he hears approaching the counter.

"Oy, what's with him?" he hears Namjoon asks quietly and Jimin's internally thankful at the boy's obvious quick senses of the situation. He just looks klutz by first impression but was keen observer, Jimin thinks.

He sees Yoongi answers with a nonchalant shrug, eyes ahead as he toes Jimin with his shoe. Rude. "You know customers are prohibited behind this counter so you better explain things to me before I ban you here forever."

Jimin scowls at that, choosing to stay quiet as he hear the familiar footsteps, the centralized air-condition of the café carrying the familiar smell of strong black coffee and raindrops, sending him goosebumps.

"Min Yoongi."

"Jeon Jungkook," Yoongi greets at the new comer, shuffling on his feet and standing right in front of Jimin's curled form. There's a long pause before he hears Yoongi's voice again. "What's wrong?"

"Uh..." Jeon trails off, clearing his throat. Jimin bit his lower lip, closing his eyes and praying his heartbeat wasn't that loud to their enhanced hearing because he's not about to get caught by the rude alpha, sweet hell. "It's just the smell." The boy almost sounds embarrassed to Jimin's ears.


"Smell?" Yoongi asks, obviously amused. Jimin can't help but narrow his eyes at the playful tone of his beta friend. He's sure he's gonna get at least a ton of teasing for the next couple of days if Jeon doesn't shut up and drop the topic in the next ten seconds. "What's wrong with the smell of my café?"

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