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"Hey, what's your name?"

Jimin's head throbs, sending his vision in a dizzying motion until he's forced to step back, slightly losing balance; his wolf growling in his head in God knows what reason, adding pain to his already worsening headache.

"Hey, are you okay?" he hears the stranger asks, vaguely registering the hand that reaches out to hold his left arm and steady him. Although he's silently thankful at the gesture, his stubbornness has him pulling his arm away from the warm, solid touch, taking a few wobbly step back until he's sure he's in a safe distance from the other.


His wolf hissed at him.

Shut up.

He scoffed back.

Jimin made sure to only focus on his breathing this time, ignoring the distracting strong smell of strong black coffee and raindrops around him as best as he could at the moment—almost like it's wrapping itself in his senses and blocking out everything, like it wanted him to focus on them instead. But Jimin's a man on a mission, and so he forced himself to his plan, closing his eyes for a few seconds until he's sure the throbbing in his skull is tolerable enough for him to feign nonchalance and move and get out of here.

"Ahm..." But his concentration has to be disturbed in the form of this stranger with deep, dark orbs and smells so familiarly of strong black coffee and raindrops.

He sighs, looking at the boy. "What?" He didn't mean to sound rude or anything, but the remnants of headache don't help him much to be any polite at the very moment. He's blaming his current attitude at his headache. Right.

"Are you okay?" the boy asks, again, this time sounding careful and a tad bit hesitant, gesturing to his general direction where he's still stood frozen on his spot. "Do you need to go to the clinic?"

He stands straight, pulling the strap of his backpack against his shoulder in faux confidence though the presence of the other still bothers him for some unknown reason. "Yes, I'm okay. And no, I don't need to go to the clinic," he says, carefully breathing in before walking past the boy to the library's exit door.

It's like a breath of fresh air when he's finally out the door, shoulders relaxing as his wolf takes a step back to get back to his rest. Jimin's never appreciates his wolf's laid back personality until now.

But he's not halfway through the hallway after a corner when he hears the telltale clicking of shoes meeting the floor behind him, footsteps just a tad bit faster than a stride of someone walking, as if the one behind him is half-walking half-running after him to catch up. And he's not completely wrong when the familiar scent hits him right on the face. Again.

He internally groans.

"What do you need?" Jimin asks, not even bothering in hiding the slight irritation lacing his voice. He needs to get away from this stranger that seems to keep making him feel uncomfortable for some reason.

The boy though, doesn't look unfazed. Instead, he flashed him a polite grin. "Just... are you sure you don't need me to get you to the clinic? You look really pale earlier like you'd faint—"

"Yes, I am sure. And I didn't faint, did I?" cuts Jimin. He knows it's rude, most especially if this stranger of a boy who seems nosy and too interested in bothering him and not getting the message of 'back off' turns out to be an alpha.

Vmin/Jikook || The Alpha's Luna (On-going)Where stories live. Discover now