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"Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook"

Jimin felt his eye twitched.

He's not even sure why he's bothered. Isn't this what he had wanted since the beginning? But why is he not happy with what's happening now? Why does he feel unsatisfied? Rather, it makes him feel annoyed for some unknown reason.

Maybe because he's being ignored ㅡ which has never happened to him before. Because Jimin used to be the one to do all the ignoring part. He's used to ignoring his surroundings and all the people around it who doesn't benefits his energy.

But now here he is, glaring daggers on Jeon's back. If only eyes could kill, the alpha will be dead on the spot.

Jimin narrows his eyes at Jeon's broad back even more who's been very good at busying himself with washing the tools they used for today's cooking lesson and has been very successful at ignoring Jimin's presence for... how many days has it been? 3 days? 4 days? The omega has lost count after the first day if he's being honest. All he knows is he's starting to get irritated at being treated like an invisible.

"Isn't that what you've wanted?" Yoongi once asked over a cup of hot coffee. Jimin huffs at him, rolling his eyes.

"Yes. But I want to be treated like that when I don't have something important to ask," he hissed.

The beta's sleepy eyes widens just a little, interest piqued. "And what important matter are we talking about here?"

At this, Jimin averted his gaze to stare a hole on his half-eaten cinnamon roll instead. He licks his lips, internally debating with himself if it's safe to share this with Yoongi. After all, he seemed close to Jeon the first time the alpha went to the coffee shop and Jimin hid himself under the counter.

Taking a deep breath, the omega made up his mind and leaned closer to the beta over the table, like he's about to share a classified information.

"Remember my cycle's last day?" he whispers softly, making sure no one's gonna accidentally evesdrop to them. Yoongi spares him a confused look before nodding. "That night after you and Seokjin went out..."

Yoongi clicks his tongue before shaking his head, obviously disappointed by Jimin's stubbornness. The omega just relayed what happened that night to the forest. And how Jeon blatantly ignored his question, leaving it unanswered until they're in front of Jimin's apartment building.

"As you have already guessed," Yoongi started, sipping his coffee. He looks at Jimin over the cup, raising a brow. "I'm telling you on Seokjin."

Jimin whines a little. This is not what he expected.

Jimin sighs at the memory, leaning his lower back on the makeshift kitchenette for their cooking class. He has his arms crossed, watching Jeon silently. Although he's not facing Jimin or at least acknowledging his presence, the omega can tell that Jeon is very much aware of his eyes on him.

"So I just discovered," Jimin starts in the softest mocking tone just to have something to say again. He's really starting to get pissed, sue him. "That you are very good at ignoring your partner, Jeon. You're the best at not getting in my way today. Why didn't you do this earlier?" he grits his teeth.

Jimin can't tell Jeon's expression from their positions but the way the alpha's hands paused for a fraction of second over the measuring cups he's cleaning, the omega assumes he's listening.

Good. That's what Jimin wanted.

But the alpha continues with what he's doing. He reaches for the paper towel who just happened to be on Jimin's side. The omega watches as Jeon sighs and moves towards his general direction, thrilled. But Jimin, as annoying as he is, grabs the paper towel first and moves it away from Jeon's hand. That made the alpha finally snaps his eyes to him.

Vmin/Jikook || The Alpha's Luna (On-going)Where stories live. Discover now