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"Definitely a nerd."

When Jimin stirs awake the first time, he catches himself on time to not flinch at the arm wrapped around his middle, secure and heavy against his side. The whole room was cold from the breeze outside coming from the one open window in front of his study table, the sky still dark outside, his alarm clock glaring a bright red of 2:03AM atop his bedside table.

He released a small sigh at the recognition; inhaling the smell of fresh lavender and salty beach in the air, basking at the familiarity of it. Carefully shuffling on the bed, he kicks the blanket a little lower his body because he feels warm despite the cool air, listening to the quiet whirr of his air-conditioner in the room to make sure it's working. He closed his eyes again when he confirms that it is, pushing himself against the other body on the bed, his back pressed against Taehyung's broad chest.

The arm around him tightened instinctively, pulling his body in even more firmly until he felt a cold nose nuzzling his nape, slightly jolting at the sensation as a warm breath fans against his skin. A light shiver runs down his spine without his permission, feeling his cheeks burn a little.

"Sleep, Minnie." Jimin feels more than hear Taehyung whispers, voice husky from sleep, lips slightly brushing against his skin in the process. He wonders if he's having a start of fever by the way his body is slowly warming.

He ignores it though, the urge to go back to sleep stronger, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the second, Taehyung's body warmth pulling him in back to deep slumber.

"Goodnight, Taehyung."


The second time Jimin wakes up, he's alone. The arm wrapped around his middle and chest against his back gone. He turns to his other side, eyes still closed, patting the empty space beside him and feeling it cold. He sighs at it, strangely feeling annoyed by the idea that he slept all alone.

The whole room was completely lit by the sun outside, high in the sky, making his room feel a little warmer than last night. They forgot to close the window, comfortable on the bed and engrossed with catching up with each other for the past week they're not together.

Jimin had a good laugh when Taehyung revealed on constantly receiving an earful from Seokjin every minute of the day, not missing a chance to rag on the alpha whenever he has chance to. Taehyung says he had to live off take-out chicken from that Chinese restaurant near their university and pizza from Domino's for a couple of days when he so much as refused to listen to his brother one time. Seokjin only pitied his brother when he saw Taehyung resorting on cup noodles for dinner, the alpha whining childishly at the ugly memory.

Jimin was silently grateful at the information of Seokjin putting effort and doing what he can to make them up together. The idea alone sends warmth to his chest. He makes a mental note to thank the beta and maybe treat him to dinner and dessert.

Taehyung had been reluctant at first with the idea of sleeping in the same room when Jimin asked him to stay for the night. It's nothing new, really—being always together for a whole three years and sharing sleepovers in each other's place countless of times. Jimin has to assure the alpha that it was fine, he's fine, and that they're really fine. That Jimin genuinely forgives him and that they could just forget about it if they want—if it'll make them comfortable around each other again.

The idea of being awkward with Taehyung doesn't sit well in Jimin.

The alpha had apologized over his territorial tendencies again that night, admitting that he acts immaturely by avoiding Jimin and not telling him why, letting the omega wonder what he had done wrong. Jimin cannot really blame him on that, he understands; Taehyung has always been territorial towards him ever since. He thinks it's an alpha thing, and that Taehyung has been naturally protective of him. And maybe, also the fact that he himself is an omega. It's like natural, in nature, in biological law.

Vmin/Jikook || The Alpha's Luna (On-going)Where stories live. Discover now