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"Stay away from him; I'm warning you."

" one of the most respectable Beta, a Pack Alpha's second in command." The voice sounds distant for some reason.

Jimin tries his best to listen as he stifles a yawn behind a sweater pawed hand—the cool, soft material soothing his slightly heated skin—simultaneously taking down notes and highlighting information with a yellow neon pen he deems important. Resting his cheek on a palm, he quietly watches with sleepy eyes as his professor taps on his laptop, walking around the podium as the powerpoint in front changes to the next slide.

He may have been a morning person since he was born, probably, but the thing is, he didn't get much sleep last night to survive this day. This time, the reason isn't because of an all-nighter he pulled for exam and quiz preparation though. He had toss and turn on his bed, rolling around in hopes the cool of air-conditioner hits his slightly feverish skin—which isn't really surprising since Jimin knew what all the signs mean. What's worst, he forgot to drop by and get his usual drink from Yoongi's café in his haste as he was running late for his first class.

His History professor continues with the discussion in front about an ancient's biography and their goals and achievements. Jimin's gooey mind wasn't prepared for this; it's just 7 quarter for God's sake. But he tries his best to listen and focus, mentally counting down the time; he still has an hour and 45 minutes to endure.


Lunch finally rolls around after what feels like forever.

Jimin's body temperature is quickly rising than ever. He can feel his face starting to flush with heat; a drop of cold sweat sliding down his temple and the back of his neck. His head is slightly pounding, ears ringing at the simple, usual noise of the campus cafeteria and nose sensitive with the smell around him. He mindlessly scratches his wrist with his other hand, blotchy red and itchy under the soft fabric of his oversized sweater.

This is bad.

He wanted to go home; locked himself in the safety of his apartment and shed his clothes off—maybe take a long, cold shower bath even—that seemed to stick on his skin irritably. He remembers the unicorn-colored and lavender scented bathbombs Taehyung bought for him a couple of months ago, tempting him to leave the campus right there and then.

But he still has Soul Bonding Class later in the afternoon. And Jimin, being the good student he is, doesn't want to consider cutting class as his only option, even though his whole biology is protesting. He has grades to keep up, rank and image to maintain; he couldn't afford to cut class even with his pre-quarter cycle symptoms. He thinks he even heard his inner wolf whimpers at the back of his head—that he also quickly dismissed with the lame excuse of 'deliriousness' because of his current state.

Jimin not so gently wipes his sweaty palm on the material of his pants, the rough surface sending weird comfort against his skin, before wiping his forehead and nape with sleeves. Licking his bottom lip—that he only noticed was suddenly too dry—he lifts the cold cup of his drink, taking a long swig and gulping down icy liquid greedily to soothe his parched throat, the lemon-strawberry flavor helps calming his nerves a little.

A small sigh of content slips between Jimin's lips once he was done, leaning his forehead on the empty paper cup and closing his eyes, almost moaning at the soothing sensation the remaining coolness gives his heated skin. And like usual, he immediately felt them; the eyes that scans his whole body unabashedly and purposefully loud murmurs about his state. And like his usual response to that too, he ignores the unnecessary and unwanted attention he's starting to get from nearby alphas and omegas—alongside his cycle symptoms.

Vmin/Jikook || The Alpha's Luna (On-going)Where stories live. Discover now