Chapter 7

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Today was the day I met the new student. I wonder what he's like? I can't wait. Maybe I should dress nice today.

It was actually cold outside today so I decided to wear a sweatshirt. I put on a floral sweatshirt and ripped jeans. I let my hair loose and did my makeup.

I opened my door and found Mason and Nico talking down the corridor. I heard my name. I went back inside my room and left a small gap so I could hear, I probably shouldn't have been eavesdropping but I was curious.

"What did you really do with Eli?" That was Nico's voice. Why does he desperately want to know?

"I didn't do anything, alright? I took her to bed and left. Why are even asking?" Mason's voice seemed annoyed.

"Fine. Just don't touch her again." Nico? Why is he acting like this?

"Stop being so damn protective, she's fine." I could hear Mason walking away.

I shut my door lightly and waited until they passed by. Then, I heard a knock on my door. Did they see me peaking? Oh no.

I opened it and it was Mason. He looked down the corridor and stepped inside my room, shutting the door behind him. He smiled.

"You're dressed up today, is it for me? I am you're prince, aren't I?" Mason sat on the couch and looked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not for you and all you did was carry me back to my dorm."

"Did you want me to do something else?" He smirked.

"No. Why are you here anyway?" I sat on the opposite side of the couch, away from Mason.

"Just trying to get away from Nico. He likes you, you know. But, he's not going to win you over, he can't even carry you back. You were freezing and I didn't want you to get sick." Mason scooted over towards me and held my hand.

I flinched at his touch. "Thank you Mason. But, I don't think Nico likes me, he's been my friend since we were kids, he's just looking out for me."

Mason chuckled and let go of my hand. He ran is fingers through my hair. "Oh Eli, you're such an innocent girl aren't you? That's going to change."

"What do you mean that's going to change?" I removed his hand from my hair.

"Don't worry about it. Also, don't think I didn't see you eavesdropping. You're not very sneaky." He smirked.

"I didn't mean to. I heard my name and I got interested." I looked at the floor embarrassed.

"So you like to hear your name? I'll make sure to say it more often, Eli. Let's get to class, Eli." He whispered my name, it sent shivers throughout my body.

We got up and walked to class. I saw girls looking at us as we walked through the halls. Some of them were sad and others had a mischievous look. It frightened me.


When I arrived in history class, there was a boy sitting where Jill sat. I saw Jill sitting in a different seat. She smiled reassuringly as if trying to say it's fine. The boy looked at me as I approached my seat and he smiled.

"Are you going to be showing me around the campus?" I was surprised at his accent. It was an English accent which made him seem proper.

"Yeah, I am. My name's Eliana but you can call me Eli. What's your name?" I smiled at him, he seemed nice.

"My name is Charles. It's nice to meet you." Even his name was proper.

I started asking him questions. "How old are you? I'm 19."

"I'm 20 years old."

"Where are you from?" I remembered the dean didn't want to tell me.

"Sorry. It's personal, I hope you understand." He turned away from me.

"Oh! Sorry, that was rude of me. I get it." I actually didn't get it but I didn't want to be mean. Why can't I know? It's just a place, not even the dean wants to tell me.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." He gave me a smile.

He was tall, about 5'11. His hair was very blonde, almost platinum and his eyes were a light blue. He looked like a prince and I couldn't help myself but stare at him.

"Is something wrong? Why are you looking at me?" He turned to me which caused me to blush.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You look like a prince." I blushed even more. Why did I say that?!

He smiled. "A prince? Is that meant to be stereotypical?"

"No, of course not! Just forget I said that." I was already making a bad impression.

Every time he did something, it was so graceful. Even when he wrote he looked elegant. Are all English people like this? Maybe he's just well-mannered.


After classes were over, I decided to show Charles around campus. We walked around the school and the dorms. Eventually, we got to the lake.

"I like to hang out here. It's peaceful. I usually meet with my friend, Jill, and her boyfriend, Ethan." I told Charles as we walked along the lake.

"It seems like a nice place to hang out. Do you have a boyfriend too, Eli?" Not this question!

"No, I don't. Why do you ask?" I turned away from him. Everyone asks me that but of course, I don't have a boyfriend and never have.

"I just thought a pretty girl like you would have a boyfriend by now. I guess I have a chance." He put his hands in his pockets and smirked.

Great. He acts just like Mason. "What do you mean still have chance?"

"You don't know? This will be fun." He walked ahead of me.

"Wait! What're you talking about?" This guy was even more confusing than Mason!

He stopped in his tracks and turned back towards me. "You'll have to wait and see." He winked.

He extended his hand out. I took his hand reluctantly and walked with him. He entwined his fingers in mine and traced his thumb on my hand. Why am I doing this? I didn't even flinch, it felt natural but kind of weird at the same time.

People looked at us as we walked around but I didn't mind. I was so relaxed with him.

He walked me back to my dorm. "I'll see you tomorrow Eli." He took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"R-right, tomorrow." I could feel my face heat up as he removed his lips from my hand.

He walked away and looked back once and smiled at me. I sat on my bed and looked at my hand. He just kissed my hand. Like a prince. Why is he so elegant? He must be really well-mannered.

For some reason, I was relaxed with him. I didn't even flinch when he took my hand. I felt like I could be more relaxed around him. He seemed like a nice guy.

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