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hey um taehyung, sorry for earlier lol can u pretend like nothing happened aha

i thought you said ur boyfriend isn't abusive?

he's not!!

then what the fuck happened

um .. I'll just tell you how it went

that's what i asked for dumbass


so i went over seokjin's house to discuss some stuff with him, but instead i walked in on him doing drugs

we kind of got into an argument, seokjin didn't hurt me though but he did dragged me into his room, snatch my phone, and locked me inside there for like 2 hours

i didn't know he'd text you, so all the time i was like sobbing on his bedroom floor lol i sound like a mess now that i'm stating it

and then he kind of.. apologized? he just lend me back my phone and then he kissed my forehead before driving me home

so you didn't break up with him?

it was .. difficult okay? you can't just end a three year relationship in just a snap of a finger

he still gave me butterflies and i hate it. i hate how he still owned my heart. i hate that i can't stop loving him. i hate how desperate i am thinking that everything will be back to normal. i hate that i can't let go of him


do u wanna meet up?


did you know that coffee place near your brother's school

yeah. jinyoung often brought me there

meet me there in fifteen minutes

um .. ok??


Park Soo-Ra blinked a few times at her phone screen before setting it down on her bedside table and head towards the bathroom.

She wiped off the mascara stained tears off her face before staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and her pale skin only makes the redness in her nose seems even more obvious.

A soft sigh escaped her lips before Soo-Ra exited her bathroom and grabbed a pink jacket from her coat hanger as she stuffed her phone into the pockets of her jeans.

The door creaks open when Soo-Ra timidly stepped out of her bedroom, she makes sure nobody sees her before dashing down the stairs rather quickly.

"Where do you think you're going?" a voice asked from behind her and she let a small squeal before turning around to face her brother.

"To meet some friends?" Soo-Ra answered, even her response sounded unsure that Jinyoung stared at her questioningly.

"Do I know these friends of yours?" he asked once more. Soo-Ra itches to get outside already but she instead heaved out a sigh before smiling.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Shin-Hye. Apparently her boyfriend forgot about their date and she needs my comfort right now." a lie smoothly escaped her lips as the doubt immedialy left Jinyoung's features.

"Ok then, bye bitch." he said before heading towards the kitchen. Soo-Ra rolled her eyes before she went outside of the house.

Park Soo-Ra goes to a different school from her brother but she visits there a lot, because mostly the students there are nicer than the ones in her school. She once tried to enroll into her brother's school but then again she's not the smartest person and isn't her parents' favorite.

A buzz from her pocket snapped her back into reality, Soo-Ra picked it up and realised Taehyung had texted her.

I'm here already

Her eyes widened before she fastened her footsteps, the cafe isn't too far from her house but it's still a couple blocks away.

Once her sight captured the familiar board sign, Soo-Ra's heart start pacing faster. What if Taehyung would snicker at my looks? What if Taehyung would vomit at the sight of my stomach? What ifs, what ifs.

Soo-Ra shook her head as she tried to get rid of the negative thoughts before pushing on the cafe door. The scent of coffee immediately washed over her as Soo-Ra scanned around the area.

So far, she saw a bunch of fourteen year old girls squealing rather loudly at something on their phones, one casual barrista working, and a really hot guy sitting on the corner.

Her lips parted, standing there frozen under the welcoming bell. It was until the barrista finally noticed her.

"Hello and welcome to Lavender's Coffee. Yes, our cafe looks neat but you don't have to open your mouth like that." the what seemed to be a middle aged barrista said at the young girl who immediately blushes under everybody's stares.

Her eyes glanced over Taehyung and they held an eye contact for two seconds before Taehyung already waved at her.

This time, a grin crawled upon her face as she jumped excitedly while shouting his name.

"Taehyung, wow I can't believe I'm actually seeing you! Damn boy you look even finer up close- ah shit!" Soo-Ra yelled before she eventually trips over a chair and landed face first to the ground.

Taehyung snickered when Soo-Ra sheepishly smiled at him while holding out a peace sign.

"Here. I bought you an ice chocolate," Taehyung handed her a cup of hot green tea as Soo-Ra eyed him weirdly.

"This is green tea, and it's hot. Not ice chocolate," Soo-Ra pointed out. Taehyung just blinked at her before clearing his throat.

"At first I bought you an ice chocolate, but it looks good so I finished it. But I felt guilty so I bought you that instead." Taehyung casually replied before standing up from his seat.

"Come on, let's go." Taehyung said before he walks away with Soo-Ra following him.

"Yay! A fun trip!" Soo-Ra exclaimed as she unknowingly slipped her small hands around Taehyung's arm. The boy tensed under the touch but she didn't quite notice it as Soo-Ra had returned to her normal self and start blabbering about nonsense things.

But as Taehyung continues staring at her, his mind start racing with different thoughts. This isn't supposed to happen.


published: Sept 5, 2016
edited: June 5, 2018

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