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The First Meeting

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I was tired.

The time had struck seven p.m and instead of being safely home right now, I am instead still stuck in school with a toilet brush on my right hand and a bucket on my left. So pleasing.

It wasn't even my fault onto why I was punished to clean the restroom, my bully decided to tell the Principal that her problem was caused by me which earns the Principal to punish me instead of her. I couldn't even say a word to defense myself because I knew it would be useless. The Principal had always favors my bully because she's the smartest kid in school and brings a lot of 'honor' to this school.

Honor my ass.

I couldn't stop the grumbling and cursing which escape from my lips. I was told to clean every restrooms in Second Floor and there's approximately six restrooms here. Not to mention that each restroom consist five stalls. One of the toilet in the fourth restroom I cleaned have a broken flusher, so I had to freaking plunge out a goddamn p00p that was conducting the water source.

When I was finally finished, the time says eight thirty p.m. The whole school was covered in darkness except for the bright light coming from the security post, I felt bad because the security needs to wait for me in order for him to go home. Yes, once there's nobody else in school then our security would go home. Which is why I hate our school's safety system, it simply depends on alarms and CCTV. How stupid, even I could run a school better than this.

Once I had said goodbye to Mr. Han, I decided to visit the minimarket first so that I could buy an ice cream. Maybe it can cheer me up at least a little.

The minimarket was quiet when I entered, there's only one employee behind the counter which greeted me when I walked in. I replied with a tiny smile before going to the ice cream aisle and search for one that attracts my eyes.

During the moment I tried to pick an ice cream flavor, the doorbell which signaled a new customer made a sound. I have always been a person that is easily distracted so I glanced toward the door and saw a middle aged man roaming around the surrounding until when our eyes interlocked that he grinned in a rather suspicious manner. I started to grew scared and flipped out my phone from inside my pocket. I immediately pressed down the speed dial which would lead to my brother's number and turned my body around so that the man won't see me making a call.

"Bitch where the fuck are you? You're supposed to be home hours ago."

"I got sidetrack by something at school, but Jinyoung I think I'm in a sticky situation right now."

"What? Where are you?!"

"I'm on the minimarket near my school, there's this suspicious man and I'm really scared right now."

My eyes bulged when I saw the previous man standing a few aisle away from me, his eyes trained on my phone with a frown hanging on his face. Without wasting any seconds, I instantly ran out of the minimarket and start heading toward an open road considering the one I'm currently in is a bit deserted. For fuck's sake I should've picked another minimarket.

I tried to focus my gaze on the streets in front of me, but I couldn't stop the resist to look behind and when I finally did I regretted my action. The freaky man is following hot on my tail, and he doesn't seem to stop any minute.

My mind suddenly registered the fact that my phone is still connected to my brother right now, so I placed it back on my ear again and hear shuffling from the other side of the line.


"Soo-Ra! Are you okay?!"

"N-No... I'm running right now, but the man is following me." I said between rough breaths. Damn I shouldn't complain during Coach Kim's lessons, it would've payed off well during these situations.

"Just don't stop running."

"Wow gee Jinyoung thanks for the wonderful advice!"

"Sarcasm won't help you."

"Well you're being annoy-AAAAA!"

Right in time, I accidentally ran to someone which makes the person immediately hold me before I could faceplant the ground. But my phone did, it crashed into the hard pavement with a loud crack and died. #RipPhone

"Shit! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" this person said before helping me to regain my balance. When I finally look up to see his face, I nearly screech out loud. Wowzies hottie alert.

"Err- yeah, I think so." I replied but suddenly I remembered of the man chasing me and turned around to see that he had stopped while staring at me and the sudden hero skeptically. Maybe he realized it would be a dangerous situation so he decided to go away in which I immediately released out a sigh of relief.

"Whoo, thank you so much." I huffed, picking up my fallen phone while still flickering my gaze toward the sudden hero.

"It's no problem. But you should really be more careful, the streets are full of dangerous people especially during this time." the sudden hero smiled, having noticed of the creepy man as well. I knew that I shouldn't trust this sudden hero but at the same time I was thankful because he had saved me from that man.

"Anyways, can I ask you for another favor? Would it be okay for me to borrow your phone? I need to contact my brother." I asked while lowkey grimacing over myself.

"Ah sure! Here it is." he handed me his phone once he unlocked it, and the first thing I saw when I landed my eyes on his homescreen was a picture of himself. My mouth twitches a little, trying my best not to laugh.

After calling my brother and telling him that I was safe, I handed the sudden hero his phone back. Jinyoung had ordered me to stay put because he's heading over to where I am and I simply obliged.

"I'll wait until your brother arrive, the bad dude might come back." the sudden hero said before we both decided to sit down on the sidewalk. "On the meantime, should I introduce myself? To gain your trust at least a little bit."

"Hm, sure I guess."

"Very well then. Nice to meet you, my name is Kim Seokjin."

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