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Tobi's PoV

She fell into my arms as she blacked out, I shouldn't have done it but she knows too much even if it is little. My arm was in agony but I managed to stand up, still carrying the girl.

These streets in London are risky, I walked as fast as a guy shot in the arm could walk carrying a person. As I looked at the door about to enter, I knew what was coming wouldn't be good..

I opened the door carefully,

"I'm back!" I yelled, instantly hearing the shuffling of feet coming towards me.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?" JJ yelled, he didn't look happy, I placed her onto the carpet.

"She found me, she knew to much I couldn't let her go" I murmerd, all the sidemen had gathered round now.

"Well there's only one thing for it..." JJ reached into his pocket and took out a small gun

"NO " Simon yelled from behing Josh, he pushed past him and stood between the gun and the girl.

"Simon Move!" JJ tried to push him out the way

"NO! She's innocent, it's not her fault! " he yelled back at him, earning a slap across the face, th hand mark instantly showed red against his pale skin.

"FINE. BUT SHE'S YOUR PROBLEM" JJ yelled, walking away.

"Vikk sort this will you?" I said rolling up my sleep, he took a quick peek at it and ran off I to the kitchen to get stuff. Vikk doesn't go out like the rest of us, he keeps guard of the house and sorts wounds.


Emmy's PoV

I began to slowly open my eyes, remembering what had happened. Everything was blurry for a few mins, but I knew I wasn't at home, it was warm here unlike my heatingless flat, whatever I was laying on wasn't cheap and solid, it's was soft.

As soon as the blur went a way I sat bolt upright, which I regretted immediately as it send me a pounding headache. I looked around, I was in a room, on my own. It was very bare but nice, I swiveled round so my feet were on the carpet. My cheap shoes were half falling off as the laces were so thin.

What do I do? I don't want to leave this room. Who knows what's out there? So ill stay in here. I walked over to the window, peaking through the blinds, we were reasonably high off the ground, only about 3 story's, but too high to jump down for sure, even if I wanted to I can't, the windows were locked and I wasn't going to smash them.

I sat back down on the bed and waited..

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