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Emmy's PoV

" What do you want? " Simon asks as we pull up to the drive through.


"Actually never mind" he says, driving forwards, I I'm confused, but don't say anything.

"Can we get...

Five minutes later

"Oh my fucking god..." I say, there's about 8 happy meals sitting on top of the back seats, I'm holding all the drinks on my lap. Simon driving back towards the house, has a smirk plastered across his face.

"FUCKING PRICK!" Simon yells at some guy driving in front, a sudden swerve unbalances the drinks, spilling them all over my legs and the front of the car seat. The sudden chill stops me from saying anything for a second. Suddenly I realise how much trouble le I could be in.

"Oh my god, I-Im so sorry, I I should have been holding on them, I didn't men to wreck your car, please fo-"

"Shh, it was it your fault. "

"Yeah but I-"


Although Simon is nice, I'm still very scared of him..

We arrive in the drive way out side the house, I don't exactly know what to do, if I move it'll all go everywhere. Simon opens the back side doors, carefully picking up all the happy meals, the theme was nerf which I'm really exited about. He closed the door and the lights dim in the car. He unlocks the house door and walks in. I feel stupid for just sitting here, so I carefully open the door, put the drinks back into the holders, and carry the two trays of four outside the car.

Coffee, Mocha and caramel slush slides off my legs onto the gravel. Simon walks back out the house.

"What..are you doing" he stands there, crossed arms at laughing at me.

"It's not funny, I'm wet and cold" I say with a pouty face.

"We both know you were wet before that happened" he joked, sarcasticly smirking again. My jaw drops, and I begin slowly walking towards him, As he started backing away, I picked up my speed, and knocked one of the frozen drinks onto him. He froze. Oh shit what had I done..

"You're dead." He wasn't joking around anymore, he went back to the car, grabbed the shopping and locked it. I ran inside the house, he followed not far behind, I placed the drinks onto the kitchen island and turned round.

"I was joking around, I didn't mean to annoy you.." I was looking at the floor again, the only place I could look when I was this awkward. I could hear his heavy breathing near me.

"Go." I looked up at him, he motioned his head towards the stairs, so I went. When we got to the top he kicked open my door, threw the bags in and pushed me aswell. I tripped over whacking my head off the bed frame, the door slammed behind me, the click of the lock echoing around the room.

My legs felt horrible, I might aswell get changed, I searched around the bags for a second before taking out a pair of jeans. I took off my shoes, peeled the currant pair of soggy jeans off and slid into the warm, clean ones. I might aswell change my too aswell, I'd been wearing it for a while. I found a cream long sleeved, slightly cropped, knitted autumn top, and changed into it. I peered into the mirror, shit.... my black bra was clearly visible through the holes between the fabric.

"Aaaaaagh" I shrieked, I sudden pain shot up my arm. I forgot about that..

"AAAAAAGH" It happened again, 10 x worse this time.

"SIMON PLEASE!" I yelled. My voice bounced off the walls. I sat on my bed, staring at the ground, I heard shuffling from next door. Listening closely the sound enhanced. Metal, metal tapping against metal, almost like car keys, then the closing sound of a wardrobe.

The memorable click sounded again, and my door swung open. I flung my arms across my chest, I'm really self conscious about this stuff.

"I shouldn't have been so harsh, I realise now it was intended as a joke, wanna come down stairs? "

"Uh.. One minute" I say looking up at his face, still stern but slightly softened.

"Are you cold? " he asks, peering down at my arms.

"Yeah I just need to get changed" I smile at him and he looks confused for a moment.

"Nah, that tops nice on you" Did he just... compliment me?

"It's just.. kinda- well.. " He walks towards me, I stand up, my arms still hugging my chest tightly. He gently holds my wrists, attempting to pull my arms away.

"No." I quickly turn away from him, completely forgetting, there's still a strap round my back.

"Emmy. It's not a secret that you wear a bra. You're a fucking girl" I feel my face flush red. I hear the door behind me close, feet walking away outside the door. I breathe out, I never realised I'd been holding my breath, I reached into the bags again to find something else.

Eventually I left my room, wearing and identical top, but in mocha brown, unable to see through it. Thought I'd try out the dark red lipstick too, the colours worked together nicely. I'd untied my hair, letting it fall down my sides. I hate my hair, plain dark brown. It's so boring.. I ran down the stairs, into the living room. Simon was sitting on the big sofa, Xbox remote in his hands, scrolling through netflix. As I walked in he looked up and me, smiled slightly. I sat in an individual seat away from him, still nervous. The smile had disappeared, he was looking back at the TV, he put on the Woman In Black. I'd never seen it, I knew it was old but I HATED horror.

Simon reached across, grabbed a happy meal box from the table and held it out towards me, I stood up and took it from him, he started the movie and took a box for himself. I couldn't show him that I was scared, he'd use it as a weakness against me. About 30 minutes into the film Simon stood up.

"Where's the drinks?" He asks, towering above me.

"They're in the kitchen but they might be melted.." I replied, he nodded slightly before walking out.

The movie was getting to one of the scary parts, I curled up in my chair, took my arms out of my sleeves and hugged myself under my top. I heard the beeping of the microwave settings, but no popping of popcorn. I shut my eyes tightly, knowing I wouldn't sleep if I watched it.

"BOO!" Simon yelled from behind me, I didn't move or flinch at all, my eyelids were still screwed together, so this had no effect on me.

"The fuck?" He said, I heard his voice moving round to the front of me.

I opened my eyes slightly, his face was very close to mine, I didnt move. He backed away, placing two mugs onto the table.

"Aw, someone scared?" He asked jokingly

"No.. I just needed to sneeze"

"Ok whatever, I heated the drinks, so they're more like hot chocolate now"

I reached forwards and picked up one of the mugs, I wrapped my hands around the warmth, took a sip and put it back down, it was surprisingly good to be honest.

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