Chapter Six

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"You order me too? Well it's not often you meet a random, crazy person in the forest." The man says but mumbles the last part.

"Excuse you, I am not crazy and I have given you an order which you will obey." I say as fiercely as I can.

"Pardon me if you look crazy. In fact you look like you have spent the night here. Your dress is torn, you have scratches all over your legs, and your makeup is a mess. People who spend a night in a forest looking like that don't often end up sane. Trust me, I know from firsthand experience."

"My makeup is fine thank you very much." I tell him although I have not looked in a mirror for over twelve hours so I am probably mistaken. "You still haven't told me who you are."

"Alright, fine. My name is Jasper if that makes you feel any better. And you are?" he asks while pointing out his hand as if he wants me to shake it.

"No one that concerns you at this point. Now what exactly are you doing here?" I fold my arms while asking him this.

"Now that doesn't concern you. Two can play this game." The man, I mean Jasper, smiles at me but he has a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Well in that case I must be going. I do not have the time to stay and chat." I say to him and I begin to walk off.

"Wait, you can't go." He calls after me.

"Why not?" I call back.

"First of all, you're going back in the direction you came which I doubt you meant to do. Am I right?" I don't give him the satisfaction of an answer but I do roll my eyes at him. "I thought so. No one comes into the forest for an adventure; it is normally to get away from something.

Second thing is you look like you need help. I can see that you have no food and your clothes are torn to pieces. You won't last much longer like that. I know my way around these forests better than the rabbits that live here. I can lead you to a safer place." He says to me.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You'll just have to. I'm offering to help someone who could quite possibly be crazy but I'm trusting you."

"I don't buy it. You'll only end up dragging me back. There will be a huge search party by now. There are more of you aren't there? Hidden in the forest?" I ramble without realising what I am saying.

"I won't drag you anywhere, I promise. I'm also pretty sure there is no one else here, at the very least, no one else that I know. You'll only end up hurting yourself if stay by yourself."

I stare at Jasper for a few seconds, trying to decide whether what he saying is true. He doesn't seem to have the build that the guards at the palace do, they often tall and muscular whereas he is skinnier. His hair is tinged with red, a colour I have only seen in photographs. He also looks like he has spent the night here which would mean he got here before anyone realised I was missing.

"I'll go with you but we have to move on quickly now. I don't want anyone to find me." I tell him.

"That's fine. Are you going to tell me your name now?"

"Al- Ria. My name is Ria." I stumble with my words but I know I do not want to give him my full name. It is a miracle that he hasn't recognised me yet.

"Nice to meet you Al-Ria. Now let's get out of here. Where did you originally come from?" he jokes with me.

"The village." I tell him.

"We'll go this way then." He starts walking off making me follow him in whatever direction he is walking in. North, east, south, west, I do not have a clue.

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