Chapter Twenty

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From the train station to the mountains and towns, there is a trail which we can follow. It allows easy access up to the mountains rather than having to climb up them ourselves. In front of us there are about twenty or so people who must have gotten off an earlier train. Behind us is an even bigger crowd. Hopefully this will not make it too difficult for us to find a hotel room for the night.

This whole place seems very tranquil. Even though it is full of people, everyone seems more relaxed. In the other towns people had been hurrying off to work but here it seems that people are on holiday, or their lives are just not as hectic. It makes a nice change. Unfortunately for us, that change doesn't last too long.

As we are walking up the trail I notice that there are several lampposts along the path to help guide hikers at night. What I did not see straight away are the posters attached to them. All of them have Jaspers printed on the front and then in big, red letters it says 'MOST WANTED MAN IN THE COUNTRY. REWARD IF YOU TURN HIM IN." Then the bottom of the poster has a number on so people can contact the palace. These posters are everywhere.

"I think we should try and get to a hotel as quick as we can. Have you seen the posters everywhere? I whisper to both Max and Jasper who nod back at me. "Max, I think you will have to book it again but as soon as you get the keys, we'll all go in. Does that sound like a plan?" I take charge and ask the two boys. Again they just nod.

We follow the trail up the mountain to the first village. It is mainly made up of houses and small shops. There does not seem to be any big corporate hotels anywhere in the area. Every now and then we will pass a small Bed and Breakfast but they often have a 'NO VACCINCIES' sign in the window and the one's that did have room looked even worse than the La Belle. I glance a worried look at the other two boys and see that they are wearing the same expression that I am.

Without saying a word, we walk towards the next village, hoping that we have better look. This village seems to be larger than the last as there are more shops in the surrounding area and the houses are grander. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a village. There is one house with big, black iron gates at the entrance with a long driveway that is decorated with flowers. Another house looks to be at least three storeys tall and from where we are stood, there looks to be a swimming pool glistening in the back garden. This is my kind of place.

"Change of plan guys, I've decided I am going to stay here." I joke with them. I can just imagine myself lounging around a pool, soaking up the summer sun without a care in the world. It sounds like paradise.

"Sweetie you have lived this lifestyle before and you ran away from it. Try to remember that." Max smarmily says to me. I roll my eyes at him, ignoring his sudden change in mood. "We are never going to be able to afford to stay in this village." Max then goes onto saying.

"Are we running out of money?" Jasper asks with his face full of worry.

"We will be if we stay here. We need to start moving over to the next village as quickly as we can before the curfew sets.

"I have money." I blurt out. Both Jasper and Max turn around to look at me.

"Do you have any of that money on you princess?" Max then asks me.

"Well no but I'm sure we can find a way to get it."

"And then face being tracked? I'm so Ria but we just can't do that, not when we have come this far. You'll just have to say goodbye to your dream of relaxing around a swimming pool for now." He then tells me, his voice sounding rather harsh. The annoying thing is, I know that he is right.

The next village is similar to the first one that we travelled through which means it is more affordable for us. There is a parade of buildings towards the end of the village and one of them looks to be a small hotel. There is no sign on the outside saying that it is full so the three of us venture in together.

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