Chapter Forty

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I've been told that every young girl dreams of being a princess. That they want to wear the big ball gowns and meet Prince Charming. They want to have all the riches and the admiration that comes with the job. They want the fairy tale life.

But do they ever want to be the queen?

You often hear of the tales with the evil queens who try and ruin the princess's life, or worse, they try and kill her. They never seem to get a good reputation, it is always the princess that does. The same princess who is saved by a prince just in time from being burned by the dragons flame or is woken by a kiss after devouring a poisonous apple. These princesses get themselves into all kinds of mess and yet people still want to be them.

Well for the last sixteen years, that has been my life although I never once viewed my mother as evil, maybe stupid. I have grown up watching as she rues the kingdom from the safety of the palace, never leaving it unless she had to. Never once did she actually set a foot on the front line but I have. I braved running from the guards, entering rebel camps, I have seen people die right in front of my eyes and I survived. I had help but never once did I have a Prince Charming to save the day. I survived and now my reward is to become the evil queen.

There are people dying everywhere, in every corner of every street there is a life clinging onto its last breath and here I am clinging onto mine as 'Princess Alexandria'. Until now, I have never realised the importance of the title, what it means to me and the world and in a matter of hours, I am about to lose it. I will have to get used to a new title, that of Queen Alexandria.

For months I have been dreading this, hoping that there would be some reason to push it back but that has failed to happen. Here I am, in my room watching the hours tick by until I am officially the Queen of Strongway. i distract my mind by thinking about the Maxime's, the royal family of Shadowfell and how it is a big day for them too. Their heir of the throne, Robert Maxime is getting married in just a matter of hours. They were furious when they found out that my coronation coincided with it as both events will be televised all around the world.

That is how you know something is a big deal, when everyone gets to watch it. Ordinarily, we only broadcast events to our own country die to the rivalry between the two royal families with the exceptions of; a coronation, a royal wedding (involving the current king/queen, or heir) or a funeral (same applies as the wedding). Today we have two out of three ticked though it was only recently since my mother's funeral was broadcasted all around the world.

I wonder who will get the most views. Not that I am particularly that bothered but their certainly will be people who are and to them this will be one big competition. Instead they will not celebrate the fact that two people who love each are vowing to spend the rest of their lives with each other, or the fact another country is celebrating a new queen.

Queen. When I hear the word, my first thought is still my mother although I have been acting as queen for some time now. In the last few months, I have been able to do so much for my country such as handing the cure out for the unspeakable disease for anyone who needs it along with a vaccination. I have legalised gay relationships and hopefully next month, the law for gay marriages should get passed. The rebel attacks from the A Group have stopped along with the palace attacks. They are just a few things that I have accomplice in the last few months so I know that I am capable of being queen but I still do not feel that ready.

You have to do this though.

I keep repeating that to myself in front of my mirror. My room is bare now because once I have officially been given the title of queen, I will be moving into my mother's old room, forever being haunted by her. It is a tradition... apparently. Everything has been packed into boxes besides what I am currently wearing and the dress that I will wear for the coronation. Nothing about this room says that it has been mine ever since I was a small child. The rooms that are reserved for guests have more personality than this. I really am leaving my old life behind and starting a new one.

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