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               Werewolves have a hierarchy, much like their counterparts. Everyone has a place and role to play to keep the pack alive and thriving.

  Alpha- the Alpha is the pack leader and generally, although not always, male. He is the strongest of the pack and like most rulers, he was born into it. He is the one that sets the rules and laws for his pack. He's also the one who deals out the punishments which can include exile, banishment, and death.  Although there is a Pack Council that aids him, the Alpha has final say. Although rare, an alpha can be challenged and if he is killed by his opponent leadership of the pack would then go to his opponent.

Beta- the Beta is second in command and generally has a close relationship or bond with the Alpha. The beta although generally born into the position, can be chosen by the Alpha. While the Alpha is absent the Beta is then in control of the pack. He holds a seat on the pack council. He is the enforcer of the pack. Meaning he is the one who makes sure the Alphas commands, orders, laws, and punishments are enforced. If the alpha were to die without an heir by means other then a challenge for leadership; then the beta would take over.

Gamma- this is the third in command and generally is chosen by the alpha and beta. The Gamma is the general of the pack and therefore handles battle plans, strategies, and training of pack members. He aids in enforcing. He also is part a of the council.

Luna- This is the Alpha female and the mate of the alpha. She is the mother figure in the pack and although providing a heir is of great importance, it is not her sole purpose. She assists the Alpha with his duties and is a member of the pack council. She is generally a strong and powerful woman.

Beta and Gamma Females: These are the mates to the beta and the Gamma. They support and assist their mates in their duties to the pack however they are not generally members of the pack council and have very little to do with decisions. An exception to this would be if the Beta or Gamma was mated to the Pack Witch. Beta and Gamma wolves are generally the ones in charge of the care and education of the pack pups.

Sentiel-there are four of these. They are mated pairs that are trained body guards to the Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Beta's mate. So their soul purpose is to protect them. They are also trained in the event that something happens to the Higher ranks to take over and protect the pact. They are also the key enforcers for the beta. And their ranks can not be challenged. They all sit on the Council.

Elders (Zeta)- Elders are filled with wisdom and renowned strength. They have seen much and know far more. The Elders are part of the pack council and generally the only ones the Alpha will bow to. Although they may not be the only ones the Alpha asked for advice, they are the ones he will generally side with.

Assassin- There can be up to three. I'm sure I don't truly have to go into to much detail on this rank because it's basically self explanatory. Assassins can also be great spies for the pack and are a part of the council as informants. 

Epsilon- these are trusted members of the pack that are respected but not members of the council and there are several types:

             Lead warrior- Reports to the Gamma and is basically his Lieutenant. if something were to happen to the Gamma the lead warrior would step up. Lead Warrior is position that is earned and the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma must all agree.

             Warrior- the amount of warriors varies depending on the size of the pack, however there should be no less then five. They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. They roam pack lands to ensure safety and look for any intruders. They keep watch at night. They not only have to be strong and  good fighters, they have to be fast, quick thinking, and remain calm in any given situation. Females that have proven themselves can be warriors.

          Lead Hunter/Tracker- There is only one of these and reports to the Beta and leads the hunts for invaders, rogues, and ferals. There is no gender bias here, the fastest wolf with the best sense of smell and a quick mind.

            Hunters/trackers- Again their numbers depend on the pack size and they also aren't gender bias. They are the main hunters and are the ones that travel outside of the pack in order to protect it.

Lota-Theses are trusted members and although they aren't seen as important they take their jobs very seriously.

             Scouts- Note that they do have leader who is the best one at the job. They are the scavengers of the pack and will go off and hunt with the hunters. they also help survey the land with the warriors. Basically they are your foot soldiers. 

            Pupwatchers-So first thing first they aren't nannies. They don't take care of the pups. They are their protectors, body guards if you will. Generally there's around three, once again depending on the size of the pack they may have more. And I would suggest you not underestimate them either. They were chosen for this position by the Council not because they are good with kids but for their abilities. They are vicious and generally the most vicious ones in the pack. Do you really think it's going to be easy to get a hold of the Alpha's heir????

Kappas-these are you're regular pack members or subordinates if you will. They are non-ranked. They're tasks range from attending to fields, to cleaning the Alpha's house or the Council Chambers, to nannies and teachers. They are the ones that take care of the basic everyday things.

Omega- Well we all know this as the lowest member of the pack. However it's not something a werewolf is born being. A werewolf is generally placed here for a reason .Generally because they did something stupid like questioning the alpha. This is also the rank given to a new member of the pack that either has to earn their place or one that the Alpha mistrusts.

Pups-Well do I really have to explain this one???

Non-were pack members- some are mated to pack members however the majority of them either found out about werewolves or an ancestor did and in exchange for the packs protection, they do jobs and aid the pack where they can.

          Pack doctor or healer-Once again pretty much self explanatory. The pack doctor takes of the medical needs of the pact and runs the medical team.

                   Medics-they work with the doctor to ensure the pack's health and survival.

        Midwife-This will be a female doctor who handles all the gyno and prenatal needs of the pack. She is the only one to help with the births of the pups. And yes, midwife has to be a woman. Werewolves are extremely protective of their mates and very territorial. No male will want a man to touch his mate.

        Look outs- these are humans pack members that look out for the packs interests in the human town or towns neighboring pack lands. they can identify Rogues and will inform the Beta of any threats. 

      Pack Witch-Also called the Pack Delta, this is the only human allowed on the Pack Council. The Pack witch is responsible for all the magically needs of the pack. From Rituals to protection and even healing. There can be one or two. And although it is rare if something were to happen to the rest of the pack leadership, the pack witch can step in and take control until a new alpha is chosen. The pack witch has a tendency to the the voice of the pack on the council and this simply is because the pack witch  is easier to approach.

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