Mating Season

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So in the animal kingdom wolves have a particular time of year when they can mate and have pups. Humans can have children anytime. Werewolves lie somewhere in between. While yes they a part human, they are also part wolves. 

female werewolves go into heat four times are year and the times all depend on the female. This is were she is ovulating and her body is telling her and her mate that she's ready to have pups. She will basically be on fire and extremely horny until either her heat passes or she get pregnant. The two will separate themselves from the rest of the pack for up to a week, which is how long a heat cycle will last.

      wolf form:  when in wolf form, mates will act at certain way during the female's heat. They will nuzzle, play bite, and rub against each other.

      human form: mating only happens in human form though. It's far more enjoyable. 

During the heat cycle werewolves do three things:

      1. eat

      2. sleep

     3. sex

If the pair have decided they are not ready to have pups they use some form of birth control. Generally females will have an I.U.D. because during the frenzy of the heat cycle, males don't think to use a condemn. 

*the heat cycle will end once the female is pregnant.

now if the female mate is human she of course does not go through this. However her male mate will be able to tell that she is fertile and his wolf will want to mate.

If the female in the equation is witch it could be different. When a witch and a werewolf going through the mating ritual it ties her magic to his, which leaves it entirely possible for her magic to create a heat cycle for her. She could also just stay the normal human and her mate will have to deal the typical cycle. It all depends on the witch.

In the case of a vampire and werewolf, which once again is extremely rare, the pack witch has to get involved to help them have offspring.

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