Chapter 7

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"How? Why?" the young Templar couldn't quite form a full sentence, his eyes wide with confusion. The same one who was going to protest his commander's actions.

Cassandra moved forward to speak with him. By listening, I learned that he was Knight-Templar Delrin Barris. When Cass seemed about ready to blow up at him, I stepped in.

"Knight-Templar Barris," his spine straightened as he turned to face me, "might I ask a favor?"

"You saved us from something we are sworn to defend others against. You have my sincere gratitude and probably that of others here as well." The Templars behind him all nodded. "We owe you more than you know. We are at your service." He gave a small bow, his fisted hand over his heart.

"Then I ask that you return to Therinfal Redoubt with some Inquisition soldiers, and free the others of your order from the grip of the Red Templars. You are then welcome to come to Haven and join the Inquisition."

"You're not leaving again, are you?" Cassandra interjected. Taking a quick glance over at Solas, I resigned myself.

"There are a few things I must do first, but you will see me in Haven when I am done. Perhaps it is time I stopped being the "Elusive Herald" at last," I said with a small grin, then became serious again. "Barris, I would recommend that you start with securing Knight-Captain Denam, and I don't mean for his own safety."

"As you command," he replied. I nodded, and then began to make my way back across the plaza to where Tervan was waiting. I briefly paused to catch an arrow that had been going to bury itself in the cobblestones before me. Scanning the attached note and noticing the messenger by Tervan, I knew I would be making a few detours before accomplishing my main task. Accepting the invitation from the messenger, I grinned as I began my hunt for the other clues left in Val Royeaux by "Red Jenny". After gathering all the clues, I headed to grab Tervan and make my way out of Val Royeaux.

As I was walking through the gates, an elven woman approached me, garbed in the robes of a Grand Enchanter. Speaking with her, I learned that she was Grand Enchanter Fiona, leader of the Mage Rebellion. She wished to discuss the Inquisition allying with the mages to close the Breach.

I get the feeling that I am going to be busy for the next while. For a moment, I really just wanted to go back to my home city to gather a few things I might need for future situations. However, I knew I had no time to do so at this point. Shaking my head, I went to work.


Over the next few days, I recruited an elven archer named Sera who seemed to be quite "unique" and seemed to have enough energy to drive others as crazy as she. The Lady Vivienne, who had sent the invitation, was a mage who saw herself above other mages. Though I played "nice," like I had when playing the Game among the elven nobles, I knew she and I would not get along very well.

Making a detour to the Storm Coast, I found the Chargers, led by a Qunari named Iron Bull. He reminded me of some of my soldiers from before the creation of the Veil, especially my captains. An instant friendship was struck, and Iron Bull was happy to head for Haven with his Chargers. Returning to the Hinterlands, I also met with a man named Blackwall who called himself a "Grey Warden." Something about that was off however, but I left it alone for the time being.

Before meeting with the Tevinter magister, Alexius, who had gained control of the mages, I accomplished various other tasks, and then uneventfully closed the rift outside the village gates at Redcliffe. After speaking with Alexius, I met Dorian in the Redcliffe Chantry in response to a note and learned the truth of what was going on. He expressed curiosity about the mark and about me in general. As we spoke, I could feel an instant liking of him begin to grow. Somehow I knew that he would make a great and loyal friend.

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