『Chaptor I』

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(Y/n)'s POV
I grinned at the cameras pointed at me in my cell, watching how they followed my movements.

"So doctors, who will I be meeting this week? Also I'm feeling quite famished, when will you be bringing my food?"

I finished with a pout, before hearing to staticky sound of the microphones.

"Your dinner will be delivered soon, as for your meeting, it is classified."

"How boring."
I mumbled, rubbing my eyes with the bottom of my palms. I instantly shot up as soon as a heard the sound of my doors open, I then grinned and started shaping into a tiger.

"Careful! It's reshaping! Ready your guns!"

The guards yelled.

I went to pounce on one of them, only to be restrained by the chain around my neck.

The chain then began to automatically recoil, dragging me along with it. I growled lowly before reshaping into my usual self, combing through my (H/l) (H/c).

"Oh come on, it was only a little joke, just to get your blood pumping."

I said, blinking my (E/C) eyes at them innocently.

They only glared and tossed a tray of food, a sandwich, some vegetables, and a juice box.

"So will a D class person be visiting? I'd like someone to talk to, your guys are plain boring."

I said in a teasing tone, yawning for affect. The staticky sound of the microphone went off as soon at the guys left.

"Yes, you should be visited, right about, now."

The voice said, and that voice belonged to my favourite doctor, Doctor Kitty, it was what everyone called her, so I adapted it as well.

After she finished talking the doors opened as well, revealing an intimidating D Class. Kitty's laugh was heard soon after.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), good luck."

She was the only Doctor that actually called me by my name. I 'humphed' at her as the microphone disconnected, before listening in on what the guards were saying.

"Just go in and converse, if it tries anything, we'll get you out of there."

The D class nodded, stepping in with courage.

"I'm Jack. Who are you?"

His gruff voice boomed in the cell. I only grinned.

"They call me SCP-3042,"

I started, standing up.

"aka, (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you, Jack."

I kept grinning, watching at his eyes widened when I began to float. I then lent out a hand, waiting for him to shake it, when he did, though very hesitantly, he quickly pulled away, as it fazed through.

I laughed, watching him glare at me, before turning into a (H/C) hawk, the cuff falling off as I proceeded to act like I was about to attack him, internally grinning as the door opened.

I saw my chance and quickly shot my molecules out the door, flying about the reach of the guards, doing my best to dodge the tranquilizers, before reaching a staircase, and zooming down them, reaching another hall. Then the sirens went off.


I heard the alarms blare, I groaned and kept flying, getting more and more tired. I looked at the passing cells, feeling my vision go blurry, just is I turned a corner I fell, before being caught in the arms of someone.

『you』Scp-49 x Scp!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now