『Bonus chaptor』

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(Y/n)'s POV

Where was I, how did I get here? Why am I here? I only remember getting to 049's cell before blacking out. Why am I here..? Oh. Yeah. Because I have 'a gift'.

I wasn't born here, no. I had a loving family, a lot of friends. A happy life. Until a freak accident, caused by a driver not watching the road. I was hit by the car, but my molecules only separated enough for it to go through me.

Everyone saw, there were videos all over the Internet. It seemed my parents knew far before, only I had only just found out. After the incident, the guards kicked the door in, blindfolded me and carried me off, my parents screams, cries, and yells of protest rang in my ears.

I was finally dragged out again, still blindfolded and terrified from what was to come. I was transferred from one set of arms to another, cuffs placed around my neck so tight I had difficulty breathing.

I was shoved forward and began to steadily walk, my body shaking. I didn't speak, not for two whole months. Until I killed a doctor. I was visiting an SCP, one that was later terminated, and had killed my doctor as soon as we walked out, I seemingly blacked out as soon as I killed them.

This was years ago, why was I remembering now? I hadn't spoken until I met Kitty, the doctor from the SCP that was terminated, became my new doctor, that I spoke, only a simple "no."

But Kitty was overjoyed, she was always proud, ready to celebrate and praise. But now she was probably dead, at the hands of some SCP that I unleashed. If I was never hit by that car, I would never be here. It's that idiots fault. They destroyed my life. I was a killer. But right now, I'm scared.

How did this happen, if this was years ago, why am I remembering it. Have I..? No. 049 is protecting me. Then ho--

I quickly sat up, gasping and coughing for breath. Almost like how people who have almost drowned wake up. I looked around the room, 049 was reading, we were still in his cell.

I looked to see that I was on the table that was used to meet up with other SCPs. I looked at him, silently asking for an explanation.

"I don't know what happened. You suddenly toppled over. I moved you on the table to you aren't on the ground."

He said, closing his book.

"I think the whole thing really did drain me, and I had gotten so overwhelmed that my body shut down."

I heard 049 chuckling.

"I first I though you were a robot and that doctor had shut you down, never to awake until the remote was found."

I glared a bit at him, but my sequence of glaring looks was interrupted by my stomach growling. Oh yeah, after being drained, I get a bit hungry.

"Come on. Let go to the cafeteria."

I said, stretching and standing up.

049 got up and stood in the door way, waiting for me. I grinned a bit and walked beside.

"Let's go, Plague Doctor."

049's POV

As soon as I stepped into the hall the lighted flickered low, whether it be coincidence or not, it's make moving around for me a lot easier.

I stared at (y/n) blankly, I have not been around and had no idea where to go. They slapped themselves in the head, obviously realizing what had happened.

"Sorry, I forgot I'm properly the only Euclid that knows it's way around the lab."

They slinked around me and began to move, a bit shaky, through the hall.


After a couple twists and turns, she had made it to a door that had a metal plate with the word 'cafeteria' on it.

"I'll go in, in case I see another SCP."

I warned, walking inside the large room.  Many tables were flipped and chairs were thrown across the room. I think I saw 1048 and its two counterparts but I couldn't be sure. I looked around where I saw them but only saw a fleshy remains of foot.

"It must be making another one."

I said quietly.

After searching for another minute, I called for (y/n), who shuffled in.


They asked.

"1048 has been through here, but I don't think there's anything else in here."

I said.

They nodded.


They smiled and ran over to a small opening which led to the kitchen, hopping over the small counter and towards the fridge.

When I got in, they had two cups of salad.

"It's the only thing that wasn't ravaged through."

I nodded.

"Thanks but, I'm not hungry."

I said. They shrugged, pocketing it.

"If you get hungry later just tell me, mmkay?"

They smiled and began to walk out, towards one of the tables that was still on its legs.

((Okay so this was but a little bonus because I felt bad for being so late))

『you』Scp-49 x Scp!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now