『Chapter 2』

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(( (y/n/n) means your nickname and (y/f/f) means your favourite food (y/g) ))

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up, rubbing my head. I guess the medication doesn't work on me. I groaned and looked at the camera.


I called. The static interrupted the silence and kitty smooth voice answered.

"I'm guess the medication doesn't work?"

I heard the hint of amusement in her voice and flipped her off, hearing a gasp of mock hurt.

"That is unacceptable SCP-3042."

She feigned hurt.

"Anyone coming to see me?" I asked, ignoring the pounding in my head. I heard a disappointment sigh.

"Sorry (Y/n/n) since your little incident no ones allowed in but me and the guards."

She said sadly.

"I'll visit you though."

She offered.
I shook my head.

"Thanks Kitty, but right now I'm starving. What's for lunch?"

I heard a giggle.

"You mean dinner? You slept like a rock, I tried to wake you for lunch but you didn't even twitch."

I groaned.

"But you'll be having (Y/F/F), courtesy of moi."

She said. I smiled in glee.

"Thanks Kitty! When will it be arriving?"

I asked excitedly.

"I'll take it down to you right now."

I heard the static cut off and smiled. As I waited I thought about the SCP I was supposed to be visiting.

'Such a shame. Stupid, should've just asked Kitty, she's high authority so she'd easily be allowed to let me out for a little while. But that was really fun.'

I smiled to myself, remembering the escape. I was broken out of my thoughts by the doors opening, Kitty entering with a tray of (y/f/f). My mouth watered at the sight.

"Yo, (Y/n/n)."

She smiled. I went to hug her, but the restraints didn't allow me.


I muttered, hearing Kitty laugh. I looked her up and down, spotting the tranquilizer in her pocket.

"Sorry, it's rules, but I won't use it on you, unless your naughty."

She teased, walking over and saying the tray in my lap.

"How you feeling?"

She sat on the foot of my cot.

"Imf ofay for rifht nof."

I said with a mouthful, making her visibly cringe.

"Don't eat like that, don't you know your manners?"

We both laughed.

"After you're done, would you mind doing a few tests? I understand if you don't want to, I just want to see what you can do for today."

She picked at her blue nails.
I nodded.

"Sure, jut give me the instructions doc." She smiled happily.

"Okay so I was wondering, could your molecules take something apart?"

She asked. I sat for a second.

"I'm not sure, let's try it out."

I then took my empty cup and focused on taking it apart, before feeling grains of ash fall off my fingers.


I said shaking the rest off. Kitty frantically scribbled in her note book, even more excited about this than I was. Suddenly a wave a nausea overwhelmed me.

"Ugh. That takes a lot out of me."

I muttered, trying to take another bite. Kitty looked worried and gave me her water bottle.

"You alright (y/n/n)?"

She asked.

"If we're gonna develop this, we'll have to continue working on it, can, can you do it again?"

She asked. I smiled, took a sip and grabbed the glass cup beside me, my hand glowing and feeling slightly tingly as the cup turned to ash. I placed a hand on my forehead, the migraine appearing again. I took another sip of the water bottle and smiled weakly, before finishing up the last of my meal.

"Thanks Kitty."

I said to her, she smiled back and adjusted her glasses.

"I can't wait to see that new ability, get some rest, I left (y/f/m) on the desk if you want to watch it, I'll wheel the tv in."

I nodded frantically.

"Yes please Kitty, you're so nice to me." She only smiled.

"It's only fair, only I have some bad news, I'll tell you when I get back."

She said, leaving the room, nodding to the guards outside my door. I bit my lip as I waited. Kitty came back after a few minutes, rolling in the tv, it wasn't the newest, or in the best condition, but I didn't mind. Kitty spoke as she hooked up the tv.

"I'm leaving for a little while, a month, I gotta go help with a new SCP. Oliver will be in charge of you,"

I groaned,

"but I'll be sure to supervise the meeting with SCP-49."

She looked at me.

"Why Oliver?"

I asked.

"Because he's the next higher up that I can trust with you, I'm sorry, but it'll only be a little while."

I pouted.

"Then who will bring my delicious meals?"

"I'll make sure to order your food for you, don't worry."

I smiled. Kitty may be a Doctor here, but she's also my best friend.

"Thanks Kitty for being the best scientist here."
She only flashed a smile and gave a thumbs up for tossing me the remote.

"There you go, I'll see you later, (Y/N/N)."

She then exited. As the movie was starting the static came on and Oliver's monotone voice filled the room.

"Scp-3042, Kitty won't be here for a little while, and I'm not her so don't expect any favours or anything--!"

"Already bulling her? How absurd!"

Kitty's amused voice rang out, her laughter coving Oliver's surprised stutters.

"I only came back to the office to grab a few things and say bye to my best friend."

She said, switching the camera so I could see her. I waved to her and she smiled.

"Hey Oli, you should give (y/g) some stickers of something to put on those cuffs, anyways, I'll see you soon (Y/n)!"

She said before dashing off.

"Hey Oli, you should give me some stickers."

I grinned at the camera.

"Do not call me Oli. And I will not grant you any favours, as I stated already."

He said.

"But isn't Kitty your boss? Shouldn't you listen to her advice?"

I asked. He went silent and the mic disconnected, I shrugged and turned on (y/f/m) again and laid back. It was gonna be a little while until I was able to meet 49.

1066 words

Posting this now because I forgot to last week. Also sorry for having Kitty in here so much, sorry for boring chapter, I'll do I time skip next chapter. Hope you enjoy!! ( ^ω^ ) ~Kitty

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