chapter 11

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y/n's pov

it was a long time before i woke up. when i did, i was immediately greeted by the horrible florescent white lights. a horrible shock of reality hit me and i sat up with a pulsing pain in my temples. there was a familiar static and i looked around. this wasn't my room.

"wakey wakey 3042," a voice greeted me. i looked around, terribly confused. "what..? where am i?!" i demanded, looking at the camera. he sat up with a cry of pain, holding my head. this was wrong, i wasn't supposed to be here. where was kitty? oli? ....049? it came rushing back to me.

"it's been a while, y/n," the voice said, i couldn't decipher who it was, or what gender they were. "three days, actually, since your little outburst,"

i became confused again. "what? i can't.. i can't remember anything." i whispered.

the static cane again. "you've been transported to a new site, y/n, you'll be under my care, temporarily until they find a new scientist to look over you, or permanently if you and i behave," the voice said.

"who are you?" i asked, wiping my cold hands over the heat of my forehead.

"jack, bright, in a new body." they replied. "you did cause a few casualties," they said. "luck for you, this body is still very attractive," he tried to joke.

"my heads killing me," i whined. the static appeared. god, they couldn't afford new speakers?

"i'll have the pain meds delivered to you, after a few tests." he said. "we didn't even need to use tranquilizers on you, as soon as you took the form of that very scary dragon, it took only two minutes for you to collapse, and your body completely shut down, the form that you took after that," he made a sound resembling a chill running down a spine and a disgusted ugh. "after that, we patched you, ran a few tests, found some black liquid in your lungs, and brought you back here where i've been watching you sleep," he said.

"creep," i mumbled, and he let out a laugh.

"can you try and shift into something for me? actually, jut try standing for me right now," he said. i groaned. my body felt so heavy, i don't think i could even move my legs, let alone stand. i did as told, though.

with great difficulty i removed myself from the warm, albeit uncomfortable, bed and placed my bare feet on the ground. i was in a hospital gown, and my legs had bandages wrapped around them. "what happened?" i asked.

jack let out a hum. "well you got pretty scratched up, the damage you did was horrible, you ruined an entire wing of your previous site, it will take quite a while for you to return. but, after you passed out, a lot of debris that your body had on it toppled onto your, next form, and cut you up pretty bad." he sighed. "you shouldn't have resisted, my dear. it would've gone smoother," he said. "you're civil, and if you acted like it, i'm sure you would be in a much better room." he said. "but congrats! you're classified as keter now!"

i let out a sarcastic, dry laugh. "fuck you, bright,"

he let out an amused sound. "that's against the rules, dear," he said. "can you stand? and if you can find enough strength, try and change into something? a cat would do."

with a strained sound i managed to stand painfully, and walk a few steps. i took a deep breath in, and tried to shape into a cat. "i can't, it hurts too much," i whispered.

"that's fine, my dear, you're doing great. you can take a seat, i'll get some painkillers for you, and your dinner," the voice left. i sighed and laid back down, closing my eyes.

i was back in containment after everything that had happened. does this mean kitty died for nothing? oli died for nothing? i shook my head. they betrayed my trust. well, oli not so much, but..

i sighed loudly. i wonder what happened to 049, the eye pods, that monster that possessed kitty.. were they all recontained? did.. did i kill some when i transformed? my thoughts were soon broken by the sound of the door opening.

"i didn't know what you liked, so i got sandwiches and soup." he said, looking at me. there were two tablets and a glass of water. he set it on my lap. i looked over his new form. it wasn't too bad, but it was definitely new. he had long black hair, but it was very obvious the body was male. his amulet sat around his neck, but it was tucked into his shirt.

he noticed my staring and smirked. "like what you see? they grabbed the nearest d class to pick up my amulet, but i guess i was lucky," he grinned. i turned my head away from him and retired my attention to my food. i took the medication and drank the water quickly. it soothed my dry throat, but it tasted weird.

jack seemed to notice, and quickly chimed. "we're rather far from the last site, the water has a different taste here, trust me, i don't like it either." he laughed. i sighed and took a bite of the sandwich. it  contained lettuce, cheese, and i think bologna, and some weird sauce. he finished it quickly. i was absolutely famished.

jack laughed softly and watched. "if you want some more, i'll bring some more down, set the tray in the table when you're done, i'll collect it later." he smiled, winking and leaving with a wave. i sighed and finished eating, drinking up the soup and eating the vegetables and meat that was in there. it was nice to eat again, but i was still worried.

"do you have a list of scps that you've collected?" i asked. jack took a moment to answer. "i have a list, the ones we have collected are crossed out, i can  give it to you, but it has to be our little secret, okay?" he said. i nodded. "please."

it took a few minutes but i got a paper slipped under the door. i crawled over to it, not finding enough strength to walk. i picked it up and sat back down on the bed.

i looked over the list, a lot i didn't recognize, but i was looking for a certain number. with each moment i grew more nervous, until i finally found it.


he hadn't been found.

『you』Scp-49 x Scp!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now