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Chapter 1: The Girl In The Back

Taylor's POV:

My head was spinning. Paris and I just came out of Bath and Body Works and that place smelled of girly products like perfume, specail shampoos and lotions, hand sanitizers galore. They really knew how to run you out of there in a heartbeat. Well, run me out anyways. I wasn't the girly frilly type. All I needed to enjoy myself in life was my long board and a Starbucks white chocolate mocha. Paris and I decided to stay in the mall a little longer. "Hey, so you're going to prom right?" she asked excitedly. I cocked my head and gave her the stink eye, "Paris, and who do you think asked me to prom? Yeah, no one because what guy would want to date this?" I moved my hands up and down in front of my body. "Oh stop. You're beautiful." "Thanks, but No I'm not going to prom." She gasped dramatically, "But why?! You have to go." "No Paris because prom means a dress, yuck, high heels or some kind of uncomfortable shoe, ow, and spending like two hours on my hair, no way." "Fine do whatever you want but you're coming in Dazzle Boutique with me to pick out a dress." I rolled my eyes at her and we sat there, she waited for me to accept. "Ok. Ok come on." I gave in. We walked in and I completely felt like puking. There were dresses covered in sparkles and sequins and some were super bright almost neon. Gross, I thought. Paris grabbed my arm and lugged me over to a chair that was right in front of a mirror with a little circular stand in front of it. "See any that I would look good in?" I looked around, "Maybe those two." I pointed to a soft pink one that was about knee length and strapless. "You could do that with like a white shoulder wrap." I explained. Then I looked at the other one which was long and touched the ground. It was aqua blue and had a sweetheart neckline with rhinestones down the back. "Or that one with your silver heels that you love so much." I winked. Her eyes lit up after she pictured it. "Omg! Who knew you were like the bomb at cordinating outfits?" she smiled and ran over to it then picked it up. As she did that she knocked over a few hangers and I laughed. She went into the dressing room and three minutes later came out with the dress on. "Oh. my. gosh. No way. Dude!!!" I yelled. She jumped for joy literally. "I love it. Thanks for pointing this dress out." "You don't want to try on anymore?" I asked shocked. "No this is the one. Definitely!" She went and changed back into her pencil skirt and ruffled shirt as I still stayed in my ripped jeans and comfy purple and white flannel. She had curled her hair today and I just straightened my bangs then put my hair in a high ponytail. We walked up to the cashier and she looked very tired and cranky. "Is this all?" she asked nasally. "Yes." Paris replied. She threw the dress in a bag and slammed it on the counter. I stared her down, "Can we get happiness with our dress please?" "Don't smart mouth me I am an adult." "I would have never guessed." I retorted. She rolled her eyes and said, "Do you want me to get security down here?" "No ma'am but I'd be happy to tell them that you are being rude to your customers." We left the store. "Dude, Taylor! You could've got us kicked out." "Paris we were already leaving!" Her nostrils flared. "Don't get so worked up ok? That cashier lady deserved it she didn't even ask us if we found everything ok or how we were doing and she slammed your dress on the counter." "Ok, but next time don't tick them off." We walked fastly out the door of the first level and to our car. We didn't say a word the whole way home. "Why didn't you want to at least try on any dresses?" she finally asked. "Because im not going. So what would the point be?" I asked back. "Ok look. You should have at least considered it. You know that if you go and you wear a smokin hot dress maybe people won't keep referring to you as The Girl in the Back." I got out of the car. "That would be great but I think we all know that I will never come even an inch close to popular." I slammed the car door shut and walked into my house. I thought to myself, Ugh! Sometimes she made me so fustrated. Why did it matter so much if I went to prom or not? I mean maybe I like being in the background for no one to notice or talk to. I don't want the attention. I flopped onto my bed and gazed at my closet doors. I strolled over to them and swung them open. My wardrobe was so...boy. I don't know it didn't look like a sixteen year old girl lived in this room. More like a twenty year old guy. I went through all my shirts. "Nope, no, ew why did I buy that? Ugh! No." I went through all my shirts and couldn't find one decent blouse or jacket or anything! I did come across one skirt. I had to wear it to a funeral for my great grandfather about three years ago. Lucky for me im as skinny as a rail and dont grow too much. I tried it on. It was a ruffled black pencil skirt kind of like the one Paris wore today at the mall except hers was shorter and it was mint green. I snuck down to my mom's room and went in her closet and found a little black cover up and a tank top that was pink. I slipped on the top and tucked it into my skirt. I put on the cover up and examined myself in the bathroom mirror. I decided it needed an extra something. I got my skinny white belt with a flower buckle and rhinestones and put it around my waist where the skirt started. I imagined my hair curled with one of those neat wand thingys and down against my back. I think I just discovered a new outfit for school Monday. I looked in the mirror for a good ten more seconds then said, "No longer will I be, 'The Girl in the Back'." I raced back to my room as I heard the sound of the garage door. I shut my door and took off her clothes. I put on some pajamas, also known as baggy blue sweats and a camisole. I snuck back downstairs, tiptoeing into my mother's bedroom again. I folded the clothes and then walked into the kitchen where she was casually. "Hi mom." "Hi sweety!" she responded. She hugged me, "What do you think you want for dinner?" I shook my head, "Not hungry, but I have a question. " "Uh yeah? What is it?"

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