Chapter 5: Their Secret

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Chapter 5: Their Secret

Toby's POV:

I stood there in the hallway when all of a sudden some girl walked past me and bumped my shoulder, "Hey watch it." I announced. She paused for a second then kept going. I followed her with my eyes and she walked up to Paris. When I saw Paris's expression I knew it was something bad. Something was wrong.

Taylor's POV:

I approached Paris and her expression went blank. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"What?" I asked.

"Taylor!" she cried. "You look so...rachet."

"Gee thanks." I remarked

I was in my favorite gray basketball shorts and my black shirt with the Under Armour symbol on the front from the guys section of the sports store.

"Taylor. What are you doing you were looking so good!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I hated it. I want to be myself not some fluffy unicorn." I stated. I felt the presence of someone behind me. When I turned I saw Toby's face.

Toby's POV:

She was no longer the girly Taylor she was now herself. Which, there's nothing wrong with that, but I loved her curled hair and perfect perky eyelashes. Now her face was clean and her hair was in a messy bun in the back and she had a black stretchy headband in. "Uh." thats all I could manage to get out.

"Toby, I decided not to dress all frilly just for you. I needed to be myself. I didn't like the tight skirts and leggings especially not the makeup. I'm sorry."

I just stared into her eyes, "No no no don't apologize. I told you that I liked you before too remember? I don't care. The new Taylor is my friend and so is the old Taylor." I tried to tell her.

She smiled at me and walked to class. I followed her, but Paris grabbed the sleeve of my shirt. "You wanted to know why I still hold a grudge..." she said.

"Yes. Yeah Paris I do." I said frustrated.

She looked over her shoulder, "The fact that in eighth grade you were my boyfriend and that we really really liked eachother and I wanted it to last all through highschool, but at that school dance when I saw you with Kaity over by the snack table all lovey dovey. That upset me. I can't believe you had the guts to cheat on me." she yelled that last part.

I glanced around and bit my lip, "Well I'm sorry but can we get over it now." I said.

"No. No Toby because you kissed her! And then you tried to come over and kiss me and act like nothing happened. And stuff did happen!" she screamed and pushed me away then ran to catch up with Taylor. I thought about that whole scene from middle school and it made me mad. I didn't have feelings for Paris anymore I had them for Taylor. And Paris hated me so it's not like I could ask her out again. No way. I hurried to class and just dropped the whole incident. I didn't worry about it because I wasn't going to make that mistake again if I ended up dating Taylor. I was sure of it. I wouldn't break Taylor's heart like that.

Taylor's POV:

Paris and I got to class and she looked sad but I didn't bother to ask.


Paris and I were hanging out after school. "So. You and Toby huh?" she asked.

I huffed, "No we are just friends." I explained calmly.

"Oh I know. But you both like eachother so anything can happen." she said.

She had a point anything could happen. I would love to go to prom with him and date him, but I just don't know.

Paris looked down, "Uh Taylor. I have a secret you really should know."

My eyes got wide, "Oh god Taylor I really don't care about the tea parties you still have with your imaginary friends." I said.

"What the heck? No. Ok whatever, um Toby and I used to have a thing going on..." my eyes got wider, "but it's over! It has been since the end of eighth grade!" she assured me. I just froze, "So you used to date Toby? Ok." I said. I really didn't care as long as its over thats all that matters to me. I had to ask, "Why did you break up?"

"Yea thats the part I wanted to get at...Tay. He cheated on me." she said in a sad tone.

"Oh...." I trailed off. Well we were only friends right now so I guess it didn't really concern me. And I had a feeling that he would never do that to me.

"Oh well I'm sorry it didn't last." I said. She leaned back, "Yeah well...whatever ya know? It's all good. I know you like him and I hate him so it's ok." We both belly laughed.

"Trust me Paris. Everyone who's anyone knows you hate him." we chuckled again.

She focused on me, "But I will fully support you if you guys want to date. Don't worry about me."

I walked to the park in my neighborhood and when I got their I saw someone out in the distance sitting on a bench. I looked harder and walked a little closer. It was Toby. Why was he here? Did he have a feeling I would be here? I walked passed him and acted like I didn't even see him. Not because I was mad at him or anything. No, I just wanted him to seem excited if he noticed me.

"Taylor!" he jumped up.

"Oh hey. Didn't see you. What's up?" I lied through my teeth.

He patted the bench motioning me to sit, "I have a very important question." he scooted closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Do you have a special someone you're going to prom with?"

I glanced up into his eyes and stroked my hand on his face, "Aw, does someone wanna ask me to prom?" I said in a baby voice.

He grinned from ear to ear, "Yes."

"Then of course." I responded. We were gazing into eachother's eyes and I scooted in and he came an inch closer too. I snapped out of it realizing where this was going. "Well I better go." I hugged him and grabbed my back pack and strolled out of the gate entrance of the park. "But you just got here!" he called after me. I kept on going...

Toby's POV:

We almost kissed again! Why does she not feel it? I love her. And I want more than anything to tell her that, but I know that would weird her out also considering Taylor doesn't really strike me as someone wanting to find love. No offense to her. I grabbed my bag and stood up I watched the back of her walk down the street, around the corner, and then..gone.

I got in my twinner truck and rode the highway home. When I got to my neighborhood I walked right in. Ignored everyone and went to bed.

I got up and realized I had a new message. It was from my best friend Nick. Also known as Paris's boyfriend. He wondered if I wanted to go bowling with him today. I accepted and left my cramped room to go take a shower.

I dried myself off and put on some jeans and a green Nike shirt that read across the front, "No Pain No Game." I told my mom where I was going and called Nick to let him know I was on my way. Someone else answered his phone, "Hello?" they said.

"Paris?!" I exclaimed. No way, no way she was coming to the alley too.

"Toby? Why are you calling my boyfriend?" she asked like I had no idea what I was doing.

"Well he invited me to the bowling alley with you guys." there was a long pause. I heard them start to screech at eachother. I pressed the 'end call' button.

I got there and Taylor was there as well sitting in lane five with Nick and Paris. Oh gosh. This was a complete set up wasn't it? I swear to god if we start talking about how Taylor and I almost kissed or how Paris and I broke up, I would probably have to walk out. I strolled up to them and sat down next to Nick. And the first words that came out of his mouth was, "Why don't you sit by your lover?" as he looked at Taylor. "Or the other one." he looked at Paris. Yup. I just might crawl in a corner.

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