Chapter 9: Ready Set Prom!

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Chapter 9: Ready, Set, Prom!

Toby's POV:

Tonight was the night! It's prom and I was born ready for this. I was going with my new girlfriend and her friend, also known as my worst mistake. If you haven't caught on yet I'm talking about Paris. Tonight is very specail and usually guys aren't too excited about prom, but I guess I'm a little different.

Taylor is going to love me for eternity after tonight. I have a huge surprise for her. But before I even begin thinking about all of that, it's time to get prepared. I turned on the hot water and got in the shower. I began washing my hair with my Axe shampoo. I used this especially for her because I remember the first day we actually talked she told me my hair smelled really nice. I let my mouth curve to form a grin. I miss that day. It was the day that I finally had that one ounce of nerve to say a word to her that wasn't, "Can I use your eraser?" And now look at us...boyfriend and girlfriend.

I opened the curtain a crack to check the time and sure enough I only had fifteen minutes to get completely ready. I rinsed the suds off my body and shut off the running water. I stepped out carefully and got a towel from the closet and wrapped myself up then walked over to my dresser with the tuxedo on top.

Taylor's POV:

My light brown hair with new purple streaks underneath fell against my upper back. Curls framed my face and a cute jeweled bobby pin securing the bump up top completed the whole thing. I put on some deodorant and sprizt some Victoria's Secret body spray across my chest and on my wrist then rubbed them together.

My mom came in and sprayed some more hairspray throughout my hair and scrunched it a little so it would last all night long. I took off my robe and took my dress off of the hanger. I stepped both feet in and shimmied it all the way up and over my curves and then zipped the side. I felt the rhinestones covering the top of the gown and then let my hands fall to my side. My mom looked like she just might cry. "Mom its ok. I haven't left yet." I said while hugging her, "now let me go you're messing up my curls." I joked. We laughed.

I took a seat in my desk chair and looked up at my mother who had a makeup bag on the table. She reached inside of it and I could hear things hitting eachother and what sounded like something plastic hitting another plastic something. She took her hand out and had a bottle of tan liquid. She unscrewed the top, put it into my fingers and said, "Rub this around on your face and make sure you get your neck too." I nodded and turned my attention to my reflection then did as I was told. She then started to cover my blemish with a skin tone colored stick and also used it under my eyes.

As she did the finishing touches of winged out eyeliner, fake lashes, and some light coral colored blush, I got a text. Paris: "Hey sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not coming tonight. I know you two wanna be alone to bond and dance and stuff so I don't want to be a third wheel just hanging around." I gasped and began typing back, "But you have to go!" I set my phone down and it buzzed again, "Well, I'm going to prom, just not with you. I found another last minute date." I got very curious about who this person was, but just when I was about to ask, the doorbell rang and my mom jumped a little.

I heard my dad open the front door and greet Toby. "Hello Toby. Taylor will be out soon she's just getting her makeup done." he told him, "Wow! Is that what I think it is? She's a beauty!" he exclaimed. What were they talking about?

Mom sweeped on some powder and then grabbed my heels. She slipped them on my feet and I stood up. It took a couple practice laps, but then I was golden. I put on my mom's real diamond necklace and made my way into the foyer. "Wow." my dad said. He took out his camera and snapped a quick picture. Toby was speechless, "Um, I-I, just...oh my gosh." I laughed and when I was at the last two steps of the stairs I felt myself trip and fall into someone's arms. Toby had me in a cradle like position and then set me back on my feet. "Those heels a little too high?" he asked. "No, no I'm good just got distracted by you..." he giggled and handed me a corsage to put around my wrist and gave me a box of chocolates. We hugged and then got some photos taken together. "There's one more surprise though." Toby said to me.

He opened the front door, and in the driveway was a huge white stretch limo! I screamed and hugged him again. "You are the BEST! Thanks Tobes, but I would've been just fine riding in your pickup."

"Well, that wouldn't be very romantic." he took my hand and we strolled out the door and into the driveway. He opened my door and we got into the back seat. "Its gorgeous." I stated. I rotated my head to look around at everything, but he put his finger under my chin and moved it back to face him, "Just like you." he smiled and I melted into his eyes. "Thank you, but you look amazing too." I replied.

Then we had a conversation about how Paris wasn't coming with us and how she had found another guy to go with. There was a black telephone in the back with us and it was sitting on the ledge by the Champagne and water. I assumed it was to contact the driver up front. Toby picked it up and pressed the red button on the side, "Hi, Jack, can you open a window it's getting a little hot in here." he smiled at me and I just sat there, then the roof opened up. "A sunroof!" I yelled and we stood up and he helped me onto the ledge so I could peek my head out of the top. We were on a highway and cars were wizzing by. The wind was blowing my hair and I had never felt more alive. A second later he popped up next to me. "Isn't it great?" he asked. I nodded fastly and began to cry. "What? What is it?" he asked me in a concerning voice. I grinned from ear to ear, "It is just so amazing and for me to think that you care this much is so nice. I love you." I said with tears running down my face. "I love you too Taylor." he responded.

We kissed passionetly and then got back down into the car. We had gotten to the school and before we got out I reapplied powder and cleaned up my mascara. He took my hand and we stepped out together and when people saw us it was like they were seeing Jesus walk onto the earth for the first time.

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