Chapter 10: May I Have This Dance?

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Chapter 10: May I Have This Dance?

Paris's POV:

I was covered head to toe in jewels. I had on my long gown with the rhinestones down the back and a beautiful rhinestone head band. Lastly, I had recently bought jeweled flats. My flowy hair was tied in a side messy bun and had loose curls hanging here and there.

I did a black, chic, smokey eye and a sparkly pink lip. My cheeks had a bright rosy glow that really brought out my deep green eyes.

*bang bang

I ran downstairs to the door and opened it. My date, Gabe, captain of the guys b-ball team, though he wasn't that tall, was at the door with a huge bouquet of roses and even one white rose in the dead center. I took them, "Thank you so much." I sniffed them.

"Honey, is he-" my Dad started, "here....hello, Gabe." Gabe and Dad shared a stare down and things got awkward. "Well, prom already started so lets get to snapping pictures then we can hop in that limo, right?" I looked to Gabe. He arched his brow, "Huh? Limo? I came in my mom's van."


Mom and Dad took about ten pictures. "Bye." I said. We got in the white van, sketchy, and drove off.

Taylor's POV:

We walked in and the whole gym was decorated with hanging stars and glitter streamers and confetti covered the floor. Toby's arm was linked to mine.

I ran into a bunch of black balloons and we laughed. "Do you want anything?" he asked politely.

"Um...let's go get some punch." I said. We walked over to the buffet table and poured eachother a drink. "Cheers." I said loud and proud. He nodded, winked and said, "To young love, a great time, and fun!" he screamed that last part like a child which made me laugh more than necessary. We clunked our cups and sipped the red sweet liquid.

"Paris!" I yelled. I ran to her and stumbled on the way in my heels. We hugged. Then I saw her date, "Gabe?" I said, but it came out a question. "Paris, this is your date...?" I said.

He highfived me and then screamed like a banshee. We covered our ears as he ran off towards his football friends.

"Taylor, I expected prom to be fun, I want Nick not Gabe. I hate Gabe!" Gabe looked over to us and he looked furious. "Oh great now two people hate me." Paris stated sadly. She sat in a chair against the back wall and put her hands over her face. "Paris, it's ok look Nick is right over there." I pointed to the stage he was leaning on.

She walked over to him and I was scared of what might happen, but when only five minutes had passed they were hugging tight and slow dancing.

Toby's POV:

I was praying on the inside that we would win prom king and queen. That would be awesome! A slow song came on. I knew the song right away, If I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. "I love this song." said Taylor excitedly.

"Me too, want to dance?" I asked. She looked down. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing I just- I can't dance and I've never really liked it." she explained. I laughed, "Yet you came to prom." I said. She looked back up at me.

"Its okay, I'm not too good either let's just try it please." I begged her. She said yes and we held hands onto the dance floor.

We turned to face eachother and I put my hands around her waist. She took her two hands, locked her fingers together and slipped them behind my neck.

We swayed back and forth. "See? Its not so hard." I said trying to lighten the mood a bit. She nodded and said, "Thank you for taking me here."

"Anytime..." I said with a smile.

We started turning and swaying more and I even dipped her once or twice. When the song was over we stayed on the floor and jammed out to Miley Cyrus, OneRepublic, Macklemore, and even some Taylor Swift.

"Toby I'm gonna go grab some food before they start crowning." she told me in a loud voice because it was almost impossible to hear a thing.

Taylor's POV:

I grabbed more punch and a cookie. I ate and drank. The punch tasted funny second time around. It was almost tingly feeling and sour. Some football players were next to me huddled in a group staring at the bowl and laughing. One guy even asked, "How does it taste princess?" I smirked and said, "Get a life." he giggled more. I finally caught on. The wheels started turning, "You didn't...." I said. They all walked away and met up with some girls.

I poured out the punch in my cup and as I walked out and into the bathroom I noticed some people in the hall that reaked of alcohol. And they were acting as if to be hammered. And get this..they all had punch.

I ran into the ladies bathroom and washed out my mouth. I walked back to where Toby was and said, "They spiked it. Those disgusting football players spiked the freaking drink." I said. "Taylor calm down how much did you drink?" he asked calmly. "Only a sip." I replied.

"You'll be just fine then." he assured me. I let it go and we kept dancing.

Soon, the stage lights turned on and our principal was at the microphone. He had a box. The box of votes. "Hello students! How are you all doing this wonderful night?" he asked. Everyone screamed and said, "AWESOME!!!"

"That's fantastic! But it is now time to elect the prom queen and prom king for tonight." He reached in the box and pulled out all the cards. After about three minutes he was done counting and reading them all.

"And your prom king is...Toby Robinson!" Everyone clapped and moaned. My heart skipped a beat, but in a good way. We looked at eachother and hugged. We kept hugging tighter and tighter. This was the moment. Would I get a romantic slow dance with my boyfriend while we wore crowns and pretended to rule over everyone? I hope!

"And now, your queen is...." I blocked out that last word. Our grip on eachother released and tears welled into our eyes. I gulped and stepped an inch back while Paris walked up to the stage and Toby left me to follow her.

This night was just ruined for me. As I watched them dance, my dreams shattered.

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