Chapter 05

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Paul hammered the door. The drive to Richard's had been filled with a constant mental argument. He'd planned and re-planned how this would happen almost constantly from the moment his apartment door had clicked shut behind him. He was going to make Richard sorry for his nonchalant attitude, let him know that Paul was both a colleague and a friend, and deserved respect because of this.

He knocked again, impatient. Silence. Again, harder this time. Finally Paul heard movement on the other side of the door. Answer the damn door Richard.

Paul heard the locks being undone, and then he was there; Richard. He was clearly hung over, bags under his eyes and ruffled hair. There was a moment of silence while Paul bristled up, preparing to dive into his prepared lecture.

"Fuck d'ye want, Paul?" Richard rasped in the soft, confused voice of a man who had just woken up and wasn't really sure who he was yet.

Paul deflated a little. "We need to talk about last night." The first line of his speech was delivered with a little less certainty than he had previously intended, sounding more like a question than a statement.

"What about it? Can it wait?"

"Not really." Should have said 'No.', would have let him know I mean business. Too late to say it now. Fuck

"Not really." Richard repeated, eyes barely open as he slumped to the side, granting Paul access to his flat.

Paul put on the kettle, deciding Richard would need some coffee if this conversation was going to go anywhere near to what he had planned. Richard hummed appreciatively, falling onto the couch and snuggling his face into the cushions.

Soon enough he'd had a couple of coffees and was undoubtedly perking up. "Why you here Paul?"

Paul sighed, trying to raise his mental heckles once more. "Richard... I'm not happy about last night-"

"Why not? You were happy at the time."

"Yes, but that was a spur of the moment thing. What I'm trying to say is I'm not happy about last-"

"Being 'Spur of the moment' made it better. New and interesting."

"night because I think it might affect our long term friendship. In fact, I think-" Paul tried to ignore Richard's interruptions, but was stopped again.

"No it won't. It was great. What's the problem?"

"in fact I THINK it already HAS." Paul was losing his patience here. "Because I think-"

"You're thinking too much."

"Fuck, Richard! You gonna let me finish a sentence any time soon?"

"Paul, seriously, just let it be." Richard stood up, moving towards Paul. "You're making a problem where there is none."

Paul tried to calm down, but then that busty blonde from the night before snuck out of Richard's room and made an awkward exit from the flat. "You bastard. It meant fuck all to you."

"What was it supposed to mean, Paul? We just fucked."

"I bled for you!" Paul couldn't help but roar this, eyes welling up. Why wasn't Richard reacting to anything he said?

"Well that's a shame Paul, but it happens. It's not like I did it purposefully! You know this; it wasn't your first time. This is like, the most mundane, obvious shit ever. Sometimes, when you fuck like animals in a barn, blood will be shed."

"It was my first time." Paul shrieked, voice raw, eyes red. Now he really couldn't help his tears.

Richard looked a little surprised for a moment, Paul crossing his arms and looking towards the door with a tear-streaked face. "Verstehe." Richard moved forward, resting his hands on Paul's elbows and rubbing his arms. Paul tried to pull away, but Richard held him there. "You regret it?"

"I... I..." Paul kept his gaze on the door, unable to think what to say next.

Richard was suddenly a lot closer to him, and them lips were exploring his throat oh so tenderly. Stop. Paul tried to move out of Richard's reach, a feeble struggle which was really more for show than anything else. Paul didn't want to enjoy this, he didn't want to but he did, he couldn't help himself. Please don't.

Once more he was clinging to Richard, moaning softly as the younger man kissed and caressed him in a way that made Paul wonder why he'd ever wanted this to stop at all. Perhaps he hadn't. Paul felt Richard walking him backwards, and suddenly there was a bed behind him.

Richard lowered Paul onto the sheets, reaching to the nightstand for condoms and lube and then continuing his ministrations. Mouth moving steadily down Paul's neck, lubed hands slipping down his joggers. "Hmm I like these." Richard's voice was husky in Paul's ear, his breath still tainted with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. "Very easy access."

Paul whined as Richard gently massaged his cock, curling his hands until they were almost fists and pushing them repeatedly over Paul's erection so it felt like he was constantly penetrating. Paul's breath caught in his throat, and he let out a desperate moan. "Oh yeah, I remember your noises from last night." A finger slipped into Paul, causing a nervous whimper. "Gonna moan like a whore for me?" He shut his eyes, focusing on what Richard was doing to him as another finger pushed into him. "Are you?" Richard's voice was forceful, a third finger pushing into his bandmate.

I'm too sore. "Y-yes Richard, ooh!" Paul gasped as Richard touched him in that special way again.

Richard growled, pulling Paul's trousers completely off and yanking down his own pants, lube being hastily spread over his firm cock. He pushed into the smaller man hard, a hiss escaping his teeth as he did so. Richard stood at the edge of the bed, pinning Paul's legs up as he fucked him, head flung back in ecstasy.

Paul screamed and moaned, gripping and twisting the sheets as his friend powered into him again and again. Richard was merciless in his methods; not slowing even slightly as Paul came. He kept going, with rough grunts, until he had finished inside his bandmate.

Richard slipped onto the bed afterwards, reaching for a cigarette. "Heh. Was good." He lit up and sighed out the smoke of his first drag. "I was too drunk to properly appreciate how tight you were last night. Good thing you told me you were a virgin today, I could've missed out on all that fun."

Paul felt his stomach drop. What was Richard saying?

"Anyway, you should probably go Paul, I told the brunette from last night she could come and see me today. Bit awkward if you're here, y'know?"

He did it again. Fucker did it again. "You've had your fun and now you're getting rid of me?"

"Well..." Richard looked confused as he sought a different way to word it.

"Like a groupie?"

"You can have a shower." Richard offered.

"Fuck your shower, Richard. And fuck you!"

"What's up with you now?!"

Paul gathered his clothes, storming into the bathroom to wash the cum of his stomach. Bastard. He dressed and left as quick as he could, slamming the door of his car and speeding off without another word to Richard, who just sat smoking like the smug prick he was.

He was almost home when it struck him. "Fucking bacon!" What started as a whine ended as a frustrated roar. He screeched to a halt, slamming his hand on the wheel. Fuck this! He had to get food or Emil would ask where he'd been. Checking his mirrors, Paul turned round and headed back towards the supermarket. What the fuck has my life become?

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