Chapter 17

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Paul seized Richard's arms, pushing him against the wall and grinding his crotch into the younger man's. A desperate moan rattled out of his throat as the sudden pressure sent a throb of pleasure through his dick, heightened by Richard's nervous pants and soft sounds of excitement.

Paul let go of Richard's arms, gently turning his head to the side with one hand while the other rested on his friend's hip. Paul kissed the tender flesh that was revealed to him as Richard's head tilted to the side, sucking the soft, pale skin into his mouth and gripping it between his teeth. Richard groaned, tilting his head back so it slammed against the wall, his white teeth clenched as his mouth contorted into a grimace. Paul bit harder, marking Richard and drawing a hiss from between his teeth. You're mine now. You're mine and even if no one else knows it, you will. I'll make sure you remember this tomorrow when you look in the mirror!

Paul let go, kissing where his teeth had been, letting his tongue gently play over the dark red mark that had already begun to bruise. His kisses moved up Richard's throat, towards his ear, and Paul gently pulled the man's earlobe into his mouth, flicking at it with his tongue, which he then ran along the shell of Richard's ear.

"F-Fuck Paul." Richard spoke between gritted teeth, a rough growl tearing itself from his throat, shooting through Paul's ears and straight down to his cock. "Hurry up, would you?"

Finally! Paul kept his voice calm and controlled as he replied. "All in good time, Risch. The night is young." His conquest whimpered, though whether it was due to impatience or anxiety was unclear.

Paul pulled away suddenly, turning his back and walking away from Richard, enjoying the frustrated growl this action incurred. He slouched down on the settee, waiting until Richard appeared before him, a bemused look in his eyes. "The fuck you playing at Paul?"

"Touch yourself."

"Wh-what?" Richard blushed suddenly, voice weakening as he shifted uncomfortably.

"You heard me." Paul met the other man's eyes determinedly, his stubborn stare making it clear he wouldn't back down on this request. "Touch yourself. Put on a show for me."

"Uh.. um.. Well!" Richard flustered, looking about himself as if he'd dropped the sentence he'd been about to say and the words had scattered across the floor. Finally he gulped, making uncomfortable eye contact with Paul as he reached a hand down and gently stroked himself.

Tense muscles betrayed his displeasure at being out of control, objectified in such a way, but this initial discomfort soon subsided as his body reacted to his own ministrations, soft panting filling the air around him as his body quivered. He's enjoying this. He's a performer; he loves having an audience, whether he'll admit it or not.

Paul began to gently stoke his own cock as that of the lead guitarist began to weep. When Richard noticed that Paul was masturbating he failed to suppress an excited moan. "D'ye like it Paul? Watching me? Naughty boy! Dirty fucker, aren't you?"

"Yes." Paul growled, his voice as rough as sandpaper.

The guitarists' eyes bore into each other's bodies as they began to whimper and moan in earnest. Richard falling to his knees as his shuddering legs buckled before him. He moved his hand faster over his swollen cock, occasionally stopping to rub a thumb around the tiny slit in its head, which was now leaking so much precum his thumb began slipping off it. "Paul, d'ye wanna fuck me? Am I turning you on?" Richard released a high pitched whine, hardly able to keep his eyes open as his body began to jolt with pleasure.

Paul kept his strokes firm and slow, enjoying watching Richard lose himself. "Oh the things I want to do to you Richard. This won't be an early night, that's all I can promise."

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