Chapter 06

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The flat was quiet when Paul entered, and he realised with some disappointment that Emil had probably left. He set the shopping down on the kitchen counter and started restocking the fridge. Bacon, cheese, a couple of beers he'd bought for him and Emil tonight. So what? I'll just drink them alone. I've done it before. Why am I so emotional these days?! Paul mentally scolded himself for the heavy feeling of disappointment in his chest.

Once the cupboards were full Paul headed to the bathroom. The hot shower felt so good on his skin, Paul reached down and relieved some tensions which were growing as he thought about his morning. Richard wasn't the only one with a big libido. Paul thought about how it had felt to have the other guitarist powering into him, imagining himself returning the favour to a blushing, mewling Richard. It didn't take long before Paul was coming, no more than a soft sigh escaping his lips. It was nice to unwind.

Wrapping himself up in a fluffy towel, Paul sat on the edge of the bath and lost himself in thought. Why am I so upset about Richard? I hate being used, and this is all new to me, but I've cheated and had casual sex plenty of times, with friends and strangers alike. Maybe if I used Richard..? Impossible, he's too far up his own arse. Paul gave a half-hearted snort at this, then a new thought occurred to him. Next time he fucks me I'll act totally unimpressed and won't make a sound other than a bored sigh! Wait. There won't be a next time!

But what if there was? Paul started to think... He thought long and hard about the band, the fans, Richard and his significance in each of these areas. Maybe there was a way to use Richard after all.

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