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Paul scooped up a mouthful of curry on his fork, tilting the utensil and depositing the food back to his plate a moment later. The afternoon had been spent avoiding any kind of contact with Richard, though at times Paul had attempted to subtly look at his old friend, hoping to drink in his features. Each time he had been met by Richard's stare and had immediately averted his eyes, blushing and flustered by the continuous, intense glare he was being subjected to by the younger man.

Now he was sat at the table across from Schneider, who coughed irritably as Paul loaded the fork once more, continuing to shift the food around on his plate absentmindedly as he tried not to feel awkward seeing his lover and his true love seated side by side across from him.

"Excuse me." He mumbled in response to Schneider's agitated hint. "I just need some fresh air for a moment.. stuffy; being in the kitchen all day."

Schneider shot Paul a suffering look, taking a sip of water as the shorter man left the table and headed to his room. "Well.. This is nice." Emil sighed; clearly exasperated by the transformation a quiet night in with his father had undergone to become a silent battle of love.

Paul heard Richard excuse himself for the toilet, hearing the hall door click shut behind them as they left the dining room. However, when Paul turned left into his room Richard, instead of continuing to the bathroom, followed him. Paul felt his heart begin to hammer. Is he going to tell me off for staring at him? Tell me to move on? What can he expect? How can he imagine I'd be recovered? He opened the sliding glass door on the far side of his room, stepping onto the balcony.

Richard stepped out too, bowing his head to the side for a moment as he lit a cigarette. Of course. Paul's heart fluttered a little as he calmed down. Of course, he just wants a fag.

Richard exhaled the smoke of his first puff, clearly enjoying the taste of it as it glided over his tongue. Paul tried not to focus too much on Richard's mouth, but it was so tempting when them lips enveloped the cigarette, sucking on it gently. The smaller man shifted awkwardly, looking out over the surrounding houses.

"Want one?" Richard offered.

"No thanks, I quit."

"I thought you started again, too?"

"Yeah.. Last month, but then I quit again."

"But after that..?"

Paul was quiet for a moment, trying to remember. "Oh yeah." He said, accepting the fag Richard offered him. "I did start again."

He put it between his lips, leaning in momentarily so Richard could light it. Eyes flickered up to meet each other's gaze over the flame. "Sexy." Richard murmured.

"Hmm?" Paul's heart fluttered again, his mind not daring to believe what he'd just heard.

"When you smoke." Richard stated. "You're a sexy boy."

Paul felt a twist of arousal and hurt mixing with the panic in his chest. "Look, Richard!" He exclaimed. "If you're going to play games.."

"I'm not playing Paul."

"Then.. then I'll just leave!" Paul tried to ignore what Richard said. Need to get back inside, back to Schneider. He'll be wondering where I am.

"No, don't do that." Richard said, voice soft and yet somehow demanding.

"It's my home, damn it."

"Paul. Paul. Paul." Richard whispered reassuringly, as you might do to a child after they'd had a nightmare. He tried to pull Paul into his arms but was met with resistance.

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