Chapter 11

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Paul awoke to the sound of boxes being carried to and fro as Richard and Emil unloaded the car.

He breathed out through his nose, snuggling into the pillow for a moment. He hadn't meant to sleep, but after last night he just felt drained. He shuddered as his limbs slowly woke up, perching on the edge of the bed for a moment before standing and heading to his hallway to offer help.

Richard and Emil were chatting away, relaxed in each other's company. "Relationships are tough Emil, even for me and your dad. Christ! Paul's had so many failed relationships they could make a support group for the poor girls!" The two men laughed at each other, coughing awkwardly as the noticed Paul.

"Anyway..." It was clear Emil had no intention of finishing that sentence. Paul just swallowed the joke and began to assist the pair with the move.

"Nice to see you've kept each other in high spirits." Paul smiled, trying to keep the emotional edge out of his voice. He wasn't sure how he felt right now, 'fragile' was perhaps the best way to describe it. "Sorry, I couldn't be there son. I'm just.. You know, I'm really drunk." Paul blushed, embarrassed. When did I start getting hangovers? I swear it wasn't long ago that I could drink all night and still feel fine the next day. Paul hefted a box of what seemed to be plates, setting it down again and deciding it could go in a closet somewhere at a later point. Perhaps it will keep my sexuality company..? He snorted, moving to the next box.

Emil smiled at his father. "What you laughing at?" The three men carried boxes down to Emil's new room, setting them down by the bed and returning to the hall.

"Nichts." Paul opened a small box containing a couple of mugs, some alcohol and a few snacks.

He took the find to the kitchen as Emil and Richard took the last boxes into the bedroom.

Richard soon joined Paul, watching him stock the cupboards as Emil busied himself unpacking in his room. "Hey." Richard's voice was soft and positive. Paul stowed the last bottle of vodka, turning to his friend, "I should probably go, Paul."

"Oh!" Paul tried to disguise his disappointment as surprise, "Well thanks for helping, Reesh."

"Kein problem." Richard shot Paul a genuine smile, making the older man's heart knot up. Paul moved forward, steadily resting a hand on Richard's hip and stroking it with his thumb. "I hope Emil will be okay." Richard didn't even seem to notice the proximity of Paul, or the intimacy of his touch.

"He will." Paul whispered, "I've got him. This is just a hard lesson to learn, but he's young; he'll bounce back."

"Yeah." Richard smiled, fiddling with Paul's collar.

"Richard. Just... Thanks." Paul leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on the lips of his fellow guitarist.

Richard stroked Paul's hair softly, kissing his cheek and then his lips in return. This was so different to anything they'd done before, and yet somehow all the more exciting to Paul for being slow.

"See you later." Richard smiled, stepping back. And then he was gone.

Paul stood in a daze, one hand coming up to his face, fingertips gently brushing where those divine lips had just been. Then... "WAHH!" A feminine scream, similar to the cry of a fox. "Daaaaaddddd! Spider!" Paul had forgotten how bad Emil was with spiders, and had honestly expected his son to be over the phobia by now. "Quick Dad! It's escaping! Dad it's gonna jump at meeeeee!"

"Spiders don't jump!" Paul called as he set off to his son's room.

"This one does!"

So.. It begins.

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