Chapter 12

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Finally I've got him here, in my bed. Oh the things I'll do to you Richard! Your lips taste divine, I want to taste more. I love the way you shudder when I kiss your chest, the soft, anxious gasp as I nip your waist with my teeth. You want this. I knew you wanted this!

When you look at me like that I can't help but moan, "Richard! Ri-chard." Paul was confused to find Richard's chest beneath his lips suddenly transforming into a pillow. Embarrassment washed over him as he realised he had been dreaming and had moaned aloud. Shit! How much did I say? How long have I been moaning? Did Emil hear? Paul's heart hammered as he slowly remembered his son wasn't sleeping in this room tonight. Thank fuck for that!

He groaned, rolling over and guiltily slipping his hand beneath the sheets to grip his weeping cock. He couldn't help the soft whimper that escaped his lips as he thought of the tender kiss he and Richard had shared the previous day. Oh, Richard! Fuck me again. Paul found himself suddenly wondering why he had ever been upset by Richard's actions; he'd give anything to feel that man's weight above him now, to smell his skin, and to see him grimace with pleasure as he tried to delay his orgasm.

 Paul imagined pushing into Richard, hearing the younger man yelp and groan as his virginity was taken. Seeing him begging for more, eyes clouded, hips bucking to each of Paul's thrusts. His orgasm shattered through him at this thought, and once more it was Richard's name on his lips.

After the post-coital haze had died down he reached for his phone to check the time. Oh yeah. I forgot I had all these texts and missed calls.

He started reading.

'Alles klar? What's going on Paul, you mad?' Schnei.

'You two had a fight again? Guessing so by the way he just stormed out of here. Don't be a little bitch Paul, you know this isn't something you can joke about! Once you quit even if you come back we'll all have it in the back of our minds; we'll all be waiting for you to quit again.' Paul thought that must be the most Flake had ever said in a text!

'Paul, if you need me you know where I am. We all need to escape sometimes, I know, but I hope I can be a friend to you, whether we're bandmates or not.' Of course Till would be the voice of reason, but some twinge of instinct told Paul that Till had probably been mildly irritated when writing this. Nice offer anyway.

One last text from Schnei simply read 'You quit. I quit.' An ultimatum, then. Paul sighed, clambering out of bed and heading to the shower.

He had just wrapped a towel round himself when there was an urgent sounding knock at the door. He padded towards it, hoping it wasn't that angry girl again, here to complain Emil had left some stuff in her flat. How inconvenient for her. Paul wiped the spiteful smirk from his face and opened the door. Schneider charged past him and into his flat, leaving Paul to blink a few times before closing the door and turning to see what was happening now.

"Paul." Schneider's eyes were closed as if he were reciting a speech and, when Paul thought about it, he probably was. "Listen, I know you're quitting the band, and I know it's because you're angry with Richard but listen.. You're naked. Uh.. I..."

"I'm not angry with Richard." Paul's kept his voice quiet and contemplative; not wanting his interruption to seem abrupt or defensive. It was important to him that Schneider understood this, and did not blame Richard for what was going on. He ignored Schneider's sudden blushing as the drummer realised Paul had no clothes on.

"You're.. You're not?"

"No." Paul smiled gently, touching Schneider's arm and gently steering him toward the couch.

 Schneider flinched a little at the touch, almost as if being woken from a dream.

"What's going on then? What happened?" Schneider's voice was soft, he sounded almost like a lost child.

"Ahh.." Paul sighed, making several 'hmm' and 'ahh' noises as he contemplated the answer, then simply smiled. "It doesn't matter what happened between me and Richard, what matters is what's happening between us." Schneider began to blush a little. "Talk to me, Schnei."

"Uhh.. um. Well." Schneider puffed the breath out of his nose, looking down and blushing furiously. Paul patted his hand, trying to show that it was okay for Schneider to be angry with him. Rather unexpectedly Schneider's hand turned upwards, gently holding Paul's hand in his palm. The drummer's eyes focused on their linked hands, taking a deep breath he spoke in a rush. "If you're not in Rammstein I don't want to be either, Paul. I'm through with it. I'd much rather be here, with you!" The drummers eyes were clouded with anxiety as he finally looked up and met Paul's steady gaze.

"Oh!" Paul's head jolted a little with surprise at his friend's outburst. He hadn't really had time to process each word before the next had come along. "You know, Schneider, you can really be in the band and still be friends with me. Having said that, I'm not sure if us quitting might mean it's all over anyway."

"Yes!" Schneider sounded exasperated. "But I mean... If I have to choose between you and all of them, I'll choose you."

"No one's forcing you to pick sides, Schnei. I.."

"I know Paul. You're not getting it! I'll always choose you. Verstehst du?"

"Um.. yeah, I guess. But.."

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Paul hardly had time to show surprise at Schneider's angry growl before his friend's body was pressed tightly to his own, pushing him back onto the couch. His friend's lips devouring his own, tongue pushing into the guitarist's mouth and exploring.

Paul felt his earlier arousal steadily beginning to return as the drummer held him in strong arms, stroking his body with fingers outstretched across the smaller man's wet skin. Paul's cock gave an interested twitch as Schneider lapped at the water droplets hiding in the hollow of his neck and shoulders. "Fuck, Schnei."

"Shall we?"

The question sent lightning bolts racing through Paul's mind. What should I do? I can't, can I? Richard. Paul mentally repeated the name like a motto. Or perhaps I can? After all, Richard's never planning to touch me again. But that kiss. Paul felt his cock twitch again at the thought of that kiss. Unfortunately, Schneider felt it too, eyes lighting up a little as he shot Paul a playful smirk.

If he starts, can I stop him? More importantly, do I want to stop him?

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