Chapter 08

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It was 6pm. Where the hell did the day go?

Paul got up from bed, ignoring Emil's groan of protest as he opened the window, letting fresh air and the sounds of Berlin traffic fly into the room. Need to set him up in the guest room if he's staying tonight. Paul glanced disapprovingly at his son who was hogging most of the bed as usual.

He slumped into the kitchen, opening the fridge and scowling at the bright light. Dinner. Paul grabbed everything he could eat cold and chucked it on the table with a loaf of bread. "Essen!" He called down the hall, smiling as he heard how quickly Emil jumped out of bed and raced to the door. A good appetite.. just like his father!

Chattering as they ate, Paul felt genuinely disappointed when he heard a knock at the door.

What the hell do you want? He opened the door to find a young woman who looked at him awkwardly for a moment before saying his son's name. "Uhm.. yep." Paul turned to call Emil, realising the situation when he saw the stricken look on the young man's face.

"What the fuck do you want?" He said, looking past his father and making fierce eye contact with the girl.

"For you to come and take away some of your stuff." She folded her arms across her chest, glaring back at Emil defensively.

"I'll get it in my own time. You have no right to kick me out, it's my flat too."

"Emil!" She snapped, "I'm not going to argue with you about this. I need that space!"

"So he can move in?" Paul looked between his son and his ex. He's going to cry. She shouldn't have come here.

"Yes! If you must know, yes." She squinted at Emil, no shame.

"I pay my half of the rent. If you want to move in with someone else you leave!" Emil's face was turning red, his anger quickly turning into pain.

"Right! You know something Emil? I never.."

"That's enough!" Paul interrupted. "You've hurt my son enough already! You should be ashamed of yourself; turning up here like this! The least you can do now is leave him alone, you can see how much you've upset him. Doesn't he matter to you at all?" Paul sincerely hoped she wouldn't see this question as a challenge. Luckily she seemed to deflate a little, looking at the ground. "Don't you understand how he must be feeling?" She blushed and shifted uncomfortably. "Perhaps not..." Paul looked at her, feeling his protective instinct for his son overrule any feeling that he should stay out of this.

"I do." She murmured, sounding a little embarrassed. "I do understand. I'd just.. I'd like to keep the flat, Emil."

"You can keep it." Paul was surprised at his son's soft answer, and turned to see his boy had started crying after all. "But I don't want to pick up my stuff while you're there."

"I'm out all day tomorrow." She offered, "But if that's too soon for you I.. I understand."

"Fine." Paul heard Emil walk away, watching the girl as she pursed her lips uncomfortably before nodding once and leaving. Shutting the door, he went to find his son.

Emil was making the guest bed, he didn't stop as his father walked in. "I'll be out of your hair tomorrow dad, I'll go to mum's. If it's okay with you for me to stay another night?" He sniffed, shaking his head as tears dripped from his chin.

"Emil, you stay as long as you want. You can stay until you find a new flat."

"Really?" Emil smiled as tears carried on slipping from his eyes.

"Yes, of course!" Paul moved forwards, cuddling his son and ruffling his hair fondly.

"Thanks dad.. for stopping her, I mean. Just... Just thanks. That could've been catastrophic."

"I know son." Paul sighed. When did Emil get to being taller than me? Never mind, more important things are at hand right now... "Shall we eat?"

Emil laughed, heading back to the table. Disaster averted. Paul sighed as he sat down, what a day they were having. What a day.

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