Meet the Winchesters

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  Author's note: Wow, more feels. I promise it will get happier. Hopefully, maybe not. Anyways... enjoy!!!! Leave a comment or vote!!!

June 12th 2016

Breakfast was quiet. Except for an occasional nod and grunt. Breakfast was cut short when a flutter of wings could be heard. Victoria reached for her gun under the table, but Gabriel grabbed her hand, "We are expecting guests."

  "Oh... I wasn't told." Victoria raised an eyebrow. 

  "You weren't feeling the best. Anyways they are here to relieve the tension going around the bunker." Gabriel got up and dragged Victoria along. Castiel was already in the living room. He stood next to whom looked like Cas and Gabe. 

  "Sorry, we came in late. Do you not know how hard it is to convince those twats to come with us?" The blond one looked at Victoria, "Hiya. Call me Gabri- Oh um. Errr just call me Gabriel and call yours assmuncher."

  That earned a glare from Victoria's Gabe, "I prefer to be an ass muncher, than a dick sucker."

  Both versions of Cas glared at the Gabes. Victoria simply sighed, "Can someone explain why there is two versions of you guys. Quickly."

  They all just glanced at each other until the other!cas spoke up. "Two different dimensions. Your dimension and a bunch others have collided to make such things possible, We are trying to fix that at the moment. Father hasn't said a word about this chaos, so we assume he is trying all his solutions."

  "Thank you..."

  "Just refer me as Novak and Gabe as Shirley to get rid of all the confusion." Shirley rolled his eyes and continued to mess around with Cas who was honestly going to stab him if he made fun of his trenchcoat one more time.

  Gabe also started to mess with Cas and Cas simply shoved Gabe. Which caused Gabe to shove Shirley and they started to fight by slapping each other. Gabe won by licking his hand and smearing it across Shirley's and Cas's face. 

  Novak cleared his throat and the other three stopped quarreling, "I would expect better from me, Castiel." Cas's face felt hot and he just looked at the ground. 

  "In his defense. In all of our defenses, we just lost someone," Victoria shrugged. 

  It's been a week and everyone has been in their respective places. Cas has been especially quiet. On the night, Hemlock died, Victoria swore she heard Cas talking to someone. She blamed it on lack of sleep.

  "I understand that you have gone through a lot and it's a shame that it is not even close to being over yet. Our condolences that we have to dump more on you. The Winchesters need somewhere safe to be, so they will bunking with you. Here at the bunker." Novak spoke with sincerity. He could relate when losing someone important. He's lost plenty of family since the beginning of time.

  "OH cmooon. Dean is an asshole, Novak. Just keep your little pet." Gabe whined and Shirley shook his head.

  "No choice, Kiddo. My moose can't even stay with me. Too dangerous."

  Victoria rubbed her head. She already has enough on her plate with sleeping beauty, sulking angel, and sugar high boyfriend. She didn't need moose or squirrel. Especially not squirrel. Victoria looked at the group, "When will they be here?"

  Shirley snapped his fingers, "Now. It was great talking to you. Be nice to my moose. Toodles." In a blink of an eye, Shirley and Novak were gone. Sam and Dean taking the place on where they once stood.

  "Son of a bitch. CAS", Dean whipped his head around and let out a grunt of frustration. "Friggin great. Those winged jackasses brought us here when I told them no."

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