The First Ripple to Set Off the Wave

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- Hi, this is the author... obviously. Hi, I'm Gabriel. I wrote this little tale as a joke with my best friend and also a way to make ourselves seem cooler. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do. If you have any suggestions, comments, or just wanna talk. Leave a comment.

- Gabe -

Victoria and Hemlock have been best friends for only two years, but it felt like forever. Victoria and Hemlock were both smart and funny (or at least that's what they thought). They both were obsessed with a bunch of shows, but their favorite was Supernatural. They joked that Victoria was "Sam" and Hemlock was "Dean". They both fit their characters quite well.

July 23rd, a night like any other, they were texting and Hemlock jokingly implied that Gabriel was Victoria's guardian and Castiel's was his guardian. As if a pair of eyes were watching both of them, the friends felt uneasy.

'Hey, I feel like I'm being watched,' Victoria sent the text and took a swift look around her room. She prayed that it was all in her head.

'You too?', Hemlock's stomach did a flip.

'Yeah, like from the corner of my room.' Victoria held her phone over her face, it slipped from her grip and smacked her in the face. 'Ow fuck fuck fuck my phone fell on my face!!! Great job, Gabriel thanks for protecting me!'

'Aha, fucking loser.'

'Don't mock me, jerk.'

  'Bitch,'   Victoria set her phone down, sighing. She decided to plug her earphones in, playing some songs to ease her anxiety. As she settled the earbuds into her ear, the song 'Heat of the moment' played loudly and obnoxiously.

Hemlock sat there waiting for Victoria to respond. He felt as if someone was staring intently at his ass. It wasn't a bad ass, but ask permission first. He felt himself stiffen when a weight shifted onto the bed came onto the bed. It was simply his cat, Trevor. "Stupid brat. You scared the crap out of me." He glared as his cat jumped off the bed, walked up to no one and start purring loudly. He watched in disbelief until his ringtone went off, it was Victoria.

  'Hem, I think I might be deaf'

  'Lol why'

  'My phone tried to kill me by playing Heat of the Moment.'

  'Hahaha. Speaking of crazy, my cat is purring at no one!'

  'do you have salt on you?'


  'angel blade'


  'any weapon'

  'I have my pillow'

  'you're going to die'

  'Gee thanks'. Victoria chuckled at her best friend's response when she dropped her phone on her face again. "Dammit! If you are going to be a soggy waffle then show yourself." Victoria saw a shape begin to form in the corner of her room. "Ah shit." She whispered to herself.

  "Well, I wasn't going to show myself until you asked. Here I am!" The figure walked closer to Victoria, snapping his fingers to create a small fire in his hands, revealing a dirty-blondish haired boy who looked similar to the character Gabriel.


"Hey, kiddo!"

  "Wha- what are you doing in my bedroom? You are a fictional character. Wait a minute, am I even awake? I'm asleep! Or I was drugged...'' Gabriel rolled his eyes and walked right up to Victoria, holding her face. He leaned over and gave her cheek a simple kiss. Victoria was in a daze right after that. Gabriel just sat on the bed and popped them a milkshake with two straws.

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