Izaya x Uke Male Reader

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Tittle: Information

(Y/N) (L/N), new to the area of Ikebukuro. In as simple as the one day he had been in his new area he had met and experienced some weird things, things that already had his mind doing fucking flips and random ass turn arounds! His mind was so fucking confused he may as well not even have the thing! He sighed as he walked into some corner store, he wasn't one to usually do this but he fucking had to with the way his life would probably be from now on! He walked up to the counter and pointed to the drawers along the back, the woman at the counter nodded and handed the cigs to (Y/N). (Y/N) smiled at the lady and as he reached into his pocket to get money...

"You know smoking kills you faster, (Y/N)-chan."

Startled by the fact someone even knew his name in this city caused (Y/N) to jump and turn around. There stood a handsome man, looking (Up/down) at (Y/N), he wore a faux fur coat with basically nothing else but black, even had raven hair. His eyes appeared red in the lighting they were in, (Y/N) could tell they were a brown but something about the man altogether and the way this city was so far, would he even be surprised if they were actually red?

"I'm not usually one to take advice from strangers who somehow know my name. Besides my life isn't your business."

The man laughed, it was almost childish the way he let the laughter leave his lips... Was this fucker trying to piss (Y/N) off!? (Y/N) Opened his mouth, about to speak but was cut off by the stranger.

"That's were you're wrong, (Y/N). Everyone here, in Ikebukuro, is my business. I'm Izaya Orihara, I sell information."

"Great... So can I buy my cigarettes now? I wanna get home as soon as possible and talking to a rat like you doesn't peak my interests." 

Izaya put his hand over his heart, acting wounded by (Y/N)'s words.

"Surely you're at least interested in checking out a little more of Ikebukuro before you head home though, right?" 

"Wrong. I've seen enough. Gangs, flying vending machines, and a good damn headless woman. Now I'm chatting with a good damn rat who'll sell out others for some cash."

Izaya smiled as if he had finally understood, which of course, he did. As (Y/N) had finally pulled out his wallet, the woman already reaching out her hand waiting for the money only to retract it again as (Y/N) was pulled to look up at Izaya who was dipping him slightly.

"You're easy to read, (Y/N)-chan. You aren't a casual smoker, it's a stress reliever to you, purely of that. Of course there are better ways of relieving stress."

(Y/N) was never a heavy blusher, but holy fuck, did that comment ever get the blood pumping! With that said though it was an offer and it's not like he really had to worry about a lover finding out since he was a single man... Izaya was hella hot too and it wouldn't be his first time doing a one night stand...

"Fine, Izaya. Just give me a ride home later." 

Izaya smirked as if he had just accomplished something, which in reality didn't bug (Y/N), he could easily view this as a win of this own too.

Time Skip because I'm a lazy fucker! ~(*3*)~

(Y/N) lied there on Izaya's king sized bed, his lower half was the only thing undressed and even that was just to his boxers. His legs were spreed slightly with Izaya holding one leg, looking up with a hot glare (Y/N) had to admit was pretty sexy. Seeing Izaya smile at (Y/N) feelings (Y/N) looked away, 

"Hurry the hell up before I go back to the fucking store to get my smokes!"

"Of course."

Izaya leaned off the bed slightly and pulled out lube and condoms, 

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