2p Canada + uke male reader

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Title: Cold

(Y/N) was never too good with the cold he could deal with it for a little while but this was too much for him.

He had went into the cold to find his boyfriend, Matt. He had been gone for more then an hour passed the time he typically got back at and for some reason it scared (Y/N) to no end.

He knew he should have stayed inside, Matt was much stronger in basically any and every way so if Matt was in trouble what could (Y/N) do?

Even so, (Y/N) began to wonder through the woods in hope of seeing Matt through the snow storm.

After over another hour of searching for Matt, (Y/N) found him. He opened his mouth to shout over to him but he had been in the cold to long and before he could even process what was happening, (Y/N) passed out.

The sound of a thud was enough to make Matt stop toying with his hockey stick wrapped in barb wire and look to where the sound came from. When he seen his boyfriend laying there, lips blue and skin a tinge of blue he panicked. He looked down at his watch quickly and panicked even more.

"He must have been so worried..."

Matt spoke to himself, worry and sadness over taking him as he dropped his hockey stick, picked (Y/N) up bridal style and ran home as fast as he could.

Time skip~

(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes, the familiar surroundings made him smile and the warmth of the fireplace across from him felt like heaven.

He slowly looked around the room for Matt and what he seen shocked the hell out of him.

His manly Canadian sat there looking at him with such sadness and quilt, it made (Y/N) himself feel bad.

"I'm sorry, Matt. I didn't mean to make you worry."

Matt's eyes widened as he heard those words leave (Y/N)'s lips. he had made (Y/N) worry enough to make him walk outside in the freezing weather and (Y/N) felt at fault?! He wouldn't allow that!

"What are you talking about, (Y/N)? I'm the one who stayed hours later than usual! I'm the one that made you freeze and worry!"

"Which in turn made you worry, right? If I had stayed at home and have just trusted you'd be fine, nothing besides a small bit of worry from me. I actually caused so much crap today."

(Y/N) smiled sweetly at Matt while Matt only stared in shock... 

"I really love you, (Y/N). Don't let me make you worry like that again, K?"

(Y/N) was about to agree but Matt continued,

"And if anyone else makes you worry, I'll bash their heads in with my hockey stick."

A bit of sweat ran down the sides of (Y/N)'s face as Matt spoke the last bit of his sentence.

"How about we agree to never worry about the others and we settle for snuggling in front of this fire?"


(Y/N) silenced Matt with a kiss, 

"I love you so much and I hate to worry but don't go killing people okay?"

Matt sighed but nodded nonetheless, he had a weakness for cute things and unfortunately for him (Y/N) fit that weakness perfectly.

"Alright, snuggling it is." 

Matt muttered with a small smirk as he sat down beside (Y/N), wrapping a blanket around the two of them. They snuggled as the watched the fire, it was silent but the content kind of silence.

"I said it before but I really love you."

(Y/N) Let out a small giggled,

"I love you too, you big brute."

Matt gave a small peck on (Y/N)'s lips and went back to cuddling, they were happy like this, just sitting beside each other.

They enjoyed the warmth, and for some reason it was as if without the others warmth...

The world would only be cold.

No authors note, I have another story to write and since I haven't watched the anime I've got to do so now! (I'll probably just do a wiki search but still.)

Peace out mother fuckers!

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