Asuma x uke reader

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Sorry if OOC, I just did a quick Wikipedia search on his personality and those are about as descriptive as a 5 years writing. In other words just prepare for OOC and mature shit.

Title: A little after work fun~

It was tiring, being a normal worker for a person like (Y/N), (Y/N) had always wanted to explore and often found himself wandering around aimlessly. He got fired a lot for it too, he just couldn't concentrate inside those stores while he seen others walk around.

It was because of that though, (Y/N) was about to have the best night he'd remember for a long time.

Right now though, he was sitting at a bar, rather late into the night, just another man among the many others, drinking away fears, worries, regrets, you name it. (Y/N) drank to the loss of his 5th job that month.

(Y/N) stared at the counter as he drank some beer, he didn't know the name, he just ask for the strongest shit they had. He seemed somewhat content as he slowly let the alcohol do it's work, until he smelt that smokey smell of cigarettes. (Y/N) Never had a problem with the smell of cigars but whenever he lost his job ANY trait that his old boss had would piss him off! And smoking was something his old boss did quite often. 

(Y/N) Could feel his blood boil as whoever was smoking sat beside him.

He turned his head to face the person, ready to ask them to leave or stop smoking but as soon as he seen the male his mouth shut itself and he shot back forward, looking anywhere else besides the stranger. The fact he was smoking, completely out of mind.

'Holy shit! He's so hot! Not to mention he's totally a ninja!

(Y/N) thought and then proceeded to set a plan into motion, he'd make his night good and this man was the key to that.

"Hey, so what is a ninja like you doing here?"

(Y/N) asked turning to lean on elbow as he faced the sexy male beside him. The male just shrugged and tapped the ash off the end of his cigar off before putting it back between his lips.

"Just wanted to let lose tonight, I don't get to very often now a days."

He extended an arm with an opened hand,

"I'm Asuma, you are?"

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you Asuma."

The two shared an oddly comfortable silence before Asuma broke it,

"So why's a cute boy like you here?"

(Y/N) giggled lightly before answering... with a complete lie, of course

"I also just wanted to let lose, maybe get a little lucky with a hunk like you~"

(Y/N) winked at Asuma, who definitely understood what he was getting at... And who was he to refuse such an offer he was eventually going to start working for later, after all there were so many seats but he choose one next to (Y/N) for a reason.

Time skip because no one cares about plot when smut is requested~ (^3^)

(Y/N) was basically thrown on Asuma's bed and was quickly joined by the bed's owner crawling on top of him. Asuma was so obviously aroused and for some reason when (Y/N) finally seen the heavy smoker put down a cigarette he wanted to have Asuma, for lack of better words on his aroused brain, inside him faster then they were already going.

As they started to strip each other (Y/N) had never been so frustrated! He was naked already and he had only stripped Asuma of his pants and boxers.

'Fuck it! This is all I need!'

He pushed Asuma off of him and stood up from the bed, going to the side and kneeling in front of Asuma. Once again Asuma understood what was going on and sat in a way (Y/N) could get in between his legs good.

(Y/N) startled to lick it up and down but quickly got to deep throating, he wasn't doing this to pleasure Asuma, he was doing this to make things go quicker.

He reached a hand behind him and inserted a finger, groaning slightly but thrusted his own finger in and out nonetheless. Moaning around Asuma's cock as he started to scissor himself with a second finger added.

At this point Asuma understood just how eager (Y/N) was. Lubbing  Asuma's dick as he stretched himself. Asuma grinned at the thought.

When (Y/N) had finally finished with himself and he removed his mouth from Asuma's hard on he didn't have time to compose himself as he was thrown back on the bed, face down and ass up.

"Wha-! Agh!"

(Y/N) moaned in pain yet pleasure as he was instantly thrusted into, harshly.

It was this very reason (Y/N) enjoyed one night stands, there was never any holding back and as you worked your hardest to pleasure yourself it'd always increase the pleasure for the others. It was an endless loop.

"Hah, A-Asuma... O-Oh my G-Gods!"

(Y/N) couldn't stop moaning and the sound of Asuma's groans in his ear as well as the feeling of every inch of Asuma's body being pressed against his body only made him pant and moan harder.

"H-Holy hell! F-faster, harder, d-deeper! D-Do Ah ha! Everything y-you c-can! J-just fuck m-me how you Ah! AH! AGH! WANT!"

Asuma did just that.

He went in as deep as he could, grabbing (Y/N)'s hips and smashing (Y/N) back against himself. He went so fast, (Y/N) was sure no one who wasn't a ninja could go that speed! It felt so good!

Because of all this pleasure though (Y/N) came, hard. No warning, just a moan so load it was basically a scream.

"Fuck, you just got so tight!" 

Asuma groaned out and came deep within (Y/N), causing the male to moan again.

"Y-You're good Asuma."

Asuma just chuckled and instantly put another smoke in his mouth. (Y/N) passing out somewhere within that time and Asuma checking on him.

"You were good too."

He said to himself and stripped the odd layer of clothes still left on his upper half before crawling into his bed and sleeping.

Time skip to morning~ 

(Y/N) was gone when Asuma woke up, there was nothing more to it. He was a one night stand, that was that. Yes maybe they'd be destined to see each other again but would (Y/N) or Asuma be the same? (Y/N) liked to explore so it was inevitable (Y/N) wouldn't be the same and it was inevitable this event would likely not happen again.

I'm shit, this is shit, we're all shit! YAY!

I'm actually not going to do a long author's note this time because I want to post before 10pm for the requester and I have to go pick up my little sister.

Later pervs

Also request

Love ya (Not really, I have no idea who you are~)

Also I didn't edit this so it's probably shit!

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