Chapter 5.

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"I am outraged!"

Bunga slammed his food tray down on the lunch table. "Positively outraged!"

Kion looked up, startled.


"Well, first of all, we have Hornbill here for a teacher." Bunga jerked his head to where Zazu was, talking with the other teachers. "Second of all, Janja's in our class. I was excited for school, but now, not so much." He huffed, sitting down in the seat across from him with an annoyed look.

Kion laughed slightly. "Hey, its nothing we havent handled before."

"I guess." Bunga mumbled.

"Yo!" Another boy sat down beside Kion with a grin. He was slightly taller then him, with purple/blue hair. "Sup guys?!"

"Well if it isnt the captain of the football team!" Bunga exclaimed, cheering up immediately.

"Hey Beshte." Ono said absently from where he was seated on Kion's other side, lost in a book.

Kion rolled his eyes at Ono before turning to Beshte. "Hey."

Beshte grinned at them. "Doesnt this bring back memories?"

"Totally. Except we're missing somebody." Bunga said.

"Hey guys!" A girl sat down beside Bunga. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. She looked at them and smirked.

"Sup Fuli." Bunga said. He looked down at his food in slight disgust before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bag of gummy worms. "Lucky I brought these today." He said stuffing one in his mouth.

Fuli rolled her eyes, and Kion chuckled.

Beshte shook his head, amused. "So whats new?"

"You wont believe this!" Bunga swallowed the gummy worm whole. "Janja is in our class again!"

"That big bully?" Beshte said in disbelief.

"Yeah! And we have Hornbill for a teacher!"

"Im glad im not in that class." Beshte rolled his eyes, then quickly added, "Not that I didnt enjoy being in a class with you guys before. But Hornbill and Janja? No freaking way!"

Fuli laughed. "Im with ya there Beshte."

"Honestly." Kion put a hand to his forehead. "It took all I had not to turn around and slap Janja across the face."

"And even then, Bunga threatened to hit him on the head with a ruler." Ono added.

Bunga grinned. "I sure did."

Kion rolled his eyes. As he did, he saw a girl standing by the door of the cafeteria. She had long purplish hair and purple/blue eyes.

Kion blinked, staring.

"Earth to Kion?" Bunga followed his gaze and raised an eyebrow.

The girl locked eyes with Kion, and smiled slightly. "Hey," She mouthed, waving.

Kion opened his mouth, frozen, and smiled a little. "..."

The girl giggled before turning away. Kion blinked, and shook his head, dazed.

Bunga promptly burst out laughing. "OH....MY...."

Kion didnt look at him, his face turning very red very quickly.

"Guys, did you see that?" Bunga gasped. "He couldnt look away!"

Beshte laughed a little, elbowing Kion playfully. "Someone has a crush."

Ono shook his head, smiling. Fuli smirked.

Kion shook his head. "I do not."

Bunga laughed.

"Shut up, Bunga." Kion muttered, shooting him a playful glare.

"Whatever you say Kion." Bunga said, laughing. "Whatever you say."

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