Chapter 3.

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"Okay we've been walking for like five minutes, Bunga." Kiara piped up.

"Do you even know where class is?" Zuri added with a sigh.

"I dont think he does." Tiifu mumbled.

Kion just laughed.

"Of course!" Bunga scoffed as he led them down a hallway.

Kiara leaned over. "I think we're lost." She whispered to Kion.

"Thats what I think, too." Kion whispered back.

"Okay, its definitely this way." Bunga chirped, about to walk down another hallway, before someone familiar stopped them all. A tall boy with blonde/gold hair stood there, glaring straight at Bunga.

"Going somewhere, Bunga?"

Bunga gulped and stared up at him for a few moments, before turning sharply. "Nope, gotta be this way!" He said as he continued to walk.

"See you later Ushari." Kion rolled his eyes and followed, Kiara beside him and Tiifu and Zuri trailing behind them.

"Bunga, do you even know where we are?" Kiara asked after a few more minutes of walking.

Bunga stopped. "Of course I do!....Uh...We're lost!"

Tiifu and Zuri groaned; Kiara facepalmed.

Kion looked amused.

"Hey guys!"

Kion and Bunga turned at once, grinning. "Ono!"

"Yep." Ono said as he walked up. His hair was white, his bangs falling in front of his face, but he barely seemed to notice. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and smiled at his friends. "Lost?"

"Very." Kion nodded, and Bunga scowled.

"Can you help us?" Kiara pleaded, and Bunga scowled deeper. Ono laughed.

"What class are you in?"

Kion looked at Bunga, who grudgingly handed Ono the schedule.

"Ah. We're all in the same class--Again." Ono said, laughing. "Okay, follow me." He turned and started to walk. Kiara let out a sigh of relief and followed, Tiifu and Zuri right behind her.

Kion looked at Bunga. "Way to start off our first day--Getting lost in the halls." He joked as he started walking after them. Bunga walked beside him with an amused smile.

"Thats gonna leave a mark on your perfect record."

Kion gave him a playful nudge with his shoulder. "Shut up."

Bunga laughed, but said nothing more as they followed Ono to they're class.

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