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What am I going to do to get MJ back? Mabel thought.

Maybe I could finally tell Dipper. Somehow I don't think MJ would be able to communicate with him...like how he couldn't write to Gideon.

I should just tell Dipper.

Dipper would never understand.

If Dipper knew, he could help me!

Dipper would call you crazy and not help you!

Dipper would help. Especially because it's me.

Dipper's dealt with Gideon in the past. Dipper hates Gideon.

All the more reason he's help me!

All the more reason he'd refuse.

These thoughts battled within the young brunette's mind.

She finally decided. She'd tell her twin.

"Dipper!" She yelled, after making her way down the stairs.

"What is it, Mabel?" Dipper asked in a bored tone.

"I need to talk to you about something!"

Mabel proceeded to drag Dipper away by his hand, up the stairs and into their shared room.

She locked the door and explained everything.

MJ's predictions, Gideon, everything.

"Mabel..." Dipper started to talk to her.

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MINI CLIFF HANGER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Actually, enjoy the new chappie and wait your turn for the next one!

SorryactuallyImnotsorryatall for my irregular updating "schedule". I update when I feel inspired.

See ya later...no no no no no!

That wasn't right.

Buy Gold, BYE!


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