Red [Your Turn,My Turn]

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Hellow,Mayote here!

Anyway first chapter starts with my beloved bae,the one and only trainer Red :D
I've had this plot for like ages and waited to pour it out somewhere. Glad i can finnaly write them.

And yes typical Red x reader is on Mt. Silver..... i'm so cliche :'v *le sobs* Also pretend Gold didn't beat him for story purposes.

Anyway happy reading!


You were walking up the snowy mountain of Mt. Silver with y/p beside you. It was harsh and cold,but you wouldn't give up. Green,professor Oak and everyone else was worried sick about the silent male. With the cocky bastard at his gym leader work and busy Oak,they pleaded that you go check up on him. But you had reasons of your own to pay him a visit.

You want to have a fight with him.

With y/p in your team and other loyal pokemons of yours,you'll fight him. Gold was so close,yet so far on his attempt. Aside from that there were other reasons. Y/p let out a concern cry to you as you two walk,since you're lost in thoughts again.

"I'm fine,y/p,don't worry." You gave it a reasurimg smile.

He was a very close friend of yours. But he changed after becoming the champion. He never return and isolated himself with his pokemons. He lost that smile you loved. But still you wanted to talk to him,you wanted to see him.

But Red on the other hand,had enough of it. Pokémon battle was suppose to be fun,before trainers afer trainers came,only to be defeated. He was slowly loosing his sanity. He wanted to go down,to see you. But he somehow couldn't. But perhaps his wish came true today.

And after a long time on that freezing hell,your reached the peak. There stood,male with raven hair,dressed in white-red-and-black with Pikachu on his shoulder. Wearing a white and red cap and black fingerless gloves.


The mouse's happy voice made him turn around,and lock his crimsom eyes with your e/c ones. He notice you had a pokeball in one hand,knowing that you want to have battle. But unlike the others he had face,he didn't mind. Actually,he was happy that you decide to came for him. He simply gave you a nod as a reply.

"You always knew what i want." You chuckled.

Your POV

"Pigeotto,i choose you." My beloved pokemon let out an excited cry.

But he sent out his Charizard first,which surprised me. He always sent out his Pikachu first from rhe stories i heard from Gold and other trainers. But that doesn't matter. We're gonna fight and that's fine by me.

Both of us sent out one pokemom after another. Venusaur,Blastoise,Snorlax. I sent out my Typhlosion,Vaporeon,Zoroark and the battle continued. And in the end it went down between Pikachu and y/p.

"Let's give our best shot,Y/P!" I cheered.

Both were glaring draggers at each other. Sparks wers visible on Pikachu's red circles and my Y/P give a loud roar. Those two had always been like this,rivals.

And as if they used telepathy,Pikachu used thunderbolt.

"Y/P dodge it and use (attack)!" It followed my every command with trust.

We were engaged in a battle strong enough to shake the heavens. Y/P trusted my every word and we keep up with Pika's speed. And this is it. They were both at their limits,one more attack and it's decided.

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