Human!Giratina [Stormy Nights]

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This is requested by bbub14 and TACOFORTHETEAM

Ikr typical scenario going on here :'v

I kinda ran out of plot at the moment so hope this is enough. I luv this legendary pokemon he's just a poor misunderstood ball of cuteness. Don't piss him off or mess with his trainer tho he'll send u to distortion world XD

Anyway we've reached 6k reads on this book. Thx everyone.

Well,happy reading folks!


The rain continued to pour heavily. You were in the living room,holding your pillow tight. It was storming the whole evening. You had little Mimikyu and an Empoleon with you on the couch. Well the penguin pokemon was on the floor.

It's strange how you manage to capture Giratina in the first place when you think of it. You were surprised even more when he turned into a human not too long ago (while your other pokemons don't).

But that's not the problem here.

He would be a bit clingy,despite his cold attitude sometime,and will always send anyone who's mean to you to the distortion world (if you don't stop him). Well he is just a missunderstood pokemon.

When you were in thought there was a loud sound of thunder,which startled you.

When you were a kid,you saw it struck a tree up close. And since then you were a bit scared whenever it was storming because there would be thunders. Not that it scared you too much,you would get startled and maybe jolt a little in surprise.

"Kyuu-" Your little pokemon cried,scared.

"It's okay,Mimikyu. It's just a little-!"

There was another thunder,and a rather loud one.



Your mimikyu ran to Empoleon and let it wrap the little guy in a warm hug.

You should be going to bed by now,but all of you were waiting for Giratina to come home from wherever the heck he was. When you were thinking of him,as if right on cue Giratina walked in with his six streamers with red spikes at their tips,dangling down as he was drenched.

"Ah,you're soaking wet." You spoke,worry lacing your tone.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." He replied.

You gave him a towel and dry his hair off. Giratina was watching the TV as you do so.

"Where did you go this time?" You ask him.

"Just wandering around."

Shortly afterwards you two went to bed. Honestly it's a bit confusing to you why he wanted to sleep with you instead on the sofa. Well your bed ia big enough for you two but still you were quite flustered. But this had been going on for a while now and slowly you were used to it.


The sun piecre through your drapes,dimly lighting your room. You slowly open your eyes,getting them used to the light. You were trying to get up and cook breakfast,but there was something heavy by your hips.

You turn around to see his face close to you,his warm breath grazing your s/c skin. And Griatina's arm were wrapped around your body. You felt your face heat up and by your reflex,you smack the male on his head. Which of course waking up the male.

"So i can't hug you?" Giratina simply asked,shortly after his wake up call.

"W-well,it's just...embarassing." You murmured in reply.

Everyone had breakfast,and after that you clean up the dishes and sweep the living room. The sky was clear so you thought you and your pals would go outside and walk around the city.

You two made a stop at the park and let your other pokemon while you had f/f that you made this morning. You also pack some pokepuffs for your pokemons. It's cute how the god of the distortion world would eat a pink sugary pokepuff. The thought made you chuckle to yourself.

Mimikyu ran to your bench,wanting some pokepuffs as well. And soon all your pokemon were hurdling over the box,all eating the pokepuffs.

You felt a raindrop on your nose. You look up and find it started to rain.

"We better go home. Everyone let's go."

You put them back in their pokeballs and with Giratina the two of you ran the way home.

"Ah,it's storming again." You sighed,looking out the window.

"Does the thunders always scared you?" Giratina asked.

"It just startles me a little." You chuckle in reply.

You climb onto our bed a while later,and he followed.

"Giratina,why do you want to sleep here? I mean,i have the couch."

"I just want to."

Your human pokemon snake his arms arouns your waist,which made you blush.

"I-i told you not to do that." You stuttered.

"It's cold."

He fell alseep within seconds. Giratina's face was so close,you can feel his breath. Well he is a heavy sleeper.

You ran your hand through his soft grey locks. When you slowly look at it he's so cute when he's asleep. Maybe being hug by the distortion god wasn't so bad. You had fun touching his face and playing with his hair before you too fell asleep.


Yeah another short oneshot. Sorry guys my brain just won't work along with me lately. I'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter.



After this request will be open again. Not sure when i will finnish writting this last request but i'll do my best.

Well then see ya later~!

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