Human!Gengar [Stealing Kisses]

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Yo everyone! Mary-chan here.

Idk why,i just had the idea to write Gengar for now hahaha. So here you go. Did took a while in finding the pic and the storu plot but i finnaly did it.

And your Y/P here is a girl

Happy reading!


Gengar never really obeyed you. He wouldn't follow any of your commands in battle,at all. He had always been that jerk in the team. Your Y/P had always got into a fight with him. And that just got even worse when a strange incident that turned Pokemons into humans. It happened a few months ago. You have quite a large house for everyone to fit in. Although Raichu sleeps on the sofa at your living room with Tepig.

But the noise just got worse with Y/P and Genar arguing the whole time. Usually it was just their cry with a small fight but now,as they could speak bad words were used. Really bad words.

They probably learn them from Silver.

And he would disappear to Arceus knows where and come back as he like. He would prank you and other pokehumans,which made little Pichu cry her eyes out at some point.

For example,right now.

"Gengar get down here and apologize to Pichu!" You yelled at your pokemon,who was sitting on a tree branch.

"Come on,Y/N. She'll get over it." He replied.

"Yeah,probably in a few month." You spoke with sarcasm,while Pichu is still crying.

"Hey,Pichu. Let's go play somewhere,kay?" Tepig held her hand and smiled.

She lightly nod and follow him. You mutter 'thanks' to Tepig as the two play with a pile of leafs,since it was autumn. Jumping here and there,scattering all the brown leaf around. Now to take care of him.

"You better come down here or i'll climb up there." You place your hand on each side of the tree.

"Fine,i'm going down,dammit." Gengar cursed under his breath and jumped down.

You let go of your grip on that tree and look at the male. His usual grin was there,but it seemed different. In a swift movement he kissed your cheek before running away from your stunned and blushing form. A short moment later you ran at an incredible speed after the laughing pokehuman of yours.

This had been going on for quite a while. He would suddenly kiss your cheek or forehead out of the blue and then ran for his life as fast as he can. Oh well. Just live with it,Y/N.

-Time Skip (cuz i'm lazy)-

"I'm off to get some food." You called,walking out with Luxray.

"Take care!" The rest replied.

The door was shut gently,then Y/P walk over to the others in the living room.

"Gengar,it's pretty obvious,ya know?" Tepi said casually.

"Why do you keep messing with Y/N anyway?" Pichu asked.

"It's fun." He simply reply.

"You sure that's all?" Y/P confirmed.

"Yeah!" Tepig exclaimed.

"What? What?" The little girl look at them,confused.

"It's nothing. Why don't you play with the puzzle?" The girl hand over an uncompleted puzzle piece,as Pichu giggled while putting them together.

"Everyone,aside from Pichu knows you like Y/N." The fire pig spoke.

"You think?" Gengar mumbled.

"Even the dense Luxray knows." Y/P added.

"Yeah,even Leafeon does!" Says Tepig.

"Whatever." The raven rolled his eyes.

After dinner you were cleaning the dishes,as usual. Your pokemons were busy to keep Pichu company. You were drying the plates with care so that they don't break.

But you suddenly felt chills,as if the temperature dropped. And your shadow moved on its own. You sighed deeply and turn around. Knowing what,or who's behind this prank.

"Gengar,stop that!"

He appeared in front of you and chuckled.

"I could no longer scare you,Y/N." Said the male.

"Why would you mess with me so much? You didn't prank the others as often as me." You pouted.

"I don't know."

He quickly move to you,and locked his lips with yours. For a moment you two stayed like that. He move back,with a sly smirk plastered on his face. You could feel your head about to explode.

"Maybe i like you?" He chuckled and ran away again.

"Gengar,i said no more stealing kisses!" You yelled.

"I know, i know." He replied lazily.

After that he never steal any more kisses from you. Which is strange,in your opinion. Y/P was also suspicious about it.

"But at least it's a good thing." Your pokemon spoke.

"You think?" You look at her.

"It's better than prank plus kiss." She sighed.

Well you would agree with what she. Though he still pull his prank on you he never kiss you since that time you scold him. And as it was getting late you told everyone to go to sleep. After tellimg a story and singing a lulany to Pichu you cover her small body with the blanket and went to bed.

About and hour later,you were fast asleep. The door creak open slowly and someone walk over to you. The figure sat on your bed,the matress slightly sink. Gengar looked at your peaceful looking face,admiring your soft s/c skin and your eyelashes. He sighed amd a small visible blush was on his pale cheek. He always loved it to watch you in your sleep.

"Well if you don't know you won't get mad." He smirked and kiss your lips without your notice.

He laugh to himself a little before walking out from yet another successful mission. Yeah,you don't know he did that and it's been a few month. Guess it'd took another while before you find out and he got scold once again.

"Really,Gengar?" A voice asked.

He turned around to see Leafeon leaning against the door frame,and the girl sighed. Y/P was also with her.

"She's gonna kill you if she ever finds out about this." Y/P added.

"Then don't tell her,okay?" The male grinned.

"Fine. But if she finds out you're the one who's gonna get it." Leafeon muttered as the two left.

He looked at you again. Admiring your cute face. He lean closer and kiss your cheek this time. He chuckled lightly once more.

"Then i have to make sure you don't know." He smirked before leaving the room.


Well,this is weird,and a bit short. But hope you guys enjoy this chapter~ we kinda rush it this time


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Feel free to request. I'll do my best. Welp back to writting. See you later!

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