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Sarah,Misty,Takeo,and Weasel went to an adoption center to fill out paper work to adopt you.They were waiting for the owner to bring the paperwork back when (Y/N)'s head started to fall slightly."Guys I think (Y/N) is starting to fall asleep,"Weasel said.The door opened and the owner came in with paperwork and sat down."I'm sorry to tell you but you can't adopt (Y/N)."The man said."Why not?"Misty asked."Yeah,why not?"Takeo also asked."It's because the government is looking for her."The man said.The four all looked at each other then Sarah asked,"Why does the government want her?"The man let out a sigh and then said,"She is dangerous and will probably kill someone."

Sarah thought for a moment and then said,"What if we teach her to control her the powers?"The man looked at her for a moment then nodded yes.They all smiled then he handed them the paperwork and they went to signing.

1 hour later.
They came home and found everyone in the living room."Guys we adopted (Y/N)!"Misty said excitedly."Time for a  celebration.Vodka it is."Nikolai said."Why not."Sarah said.That night everyone felt every happy that they have (Y/N) even Edward.

Hey guys how did you like the story so far?I was thinking in the next chapter I would make it like a  few years later like when your like 5 or 6.How does that sound?Does that sound like a good plot?Well I hope you guys enjoyed this and of course if you have a request I will do it so put it down in the comments below.Emo out!

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