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As Rosemary merged towards them you were trying to get out but you couldn't.Then Rosemary shot Weasel and Micheal.You screamed as tears ran down your face.Rosemary smiled as she killed those two men.Everyone started attaching Rosemary but she was dogging every attack they were throwing at her.Then she shot
Danny,Robert,Nikolai,Tank,and Stu."Stop please!"Russman said.Then Rosemary shot him too.All the people that were left were Edward,Sarah,Sal,Billy,Finn,Misty,
Marlton,and Takeo.But she quickly shot Takeo,Sal,Finn,and Edward.

Then Rosemary fell to the ground and was holding her head.Then something was coming out of her back and it was you.You were still wearing your blue dress from your birthday party but it was more dingy.You finally pulled apart from Rosemary and ran to Sarah and gave her a hug.Rosemary got back up and saw the hug and she looked mad.You turned to Rosemary and went up and hugged her once again."I'm sorry I trapped you in that cage I was just scared."you told her.Her eyes started to tear up and then she hugged you back."I forgive you (Y/N)."she told you smiling.You both turned to Samantha who was really angry at them.Then Rosemary handed you a pistol then you both shot Samantha which killer her.Then you and Rosemary turned to everyone else and smiled at them."Everyone this is Rosemary my secret twin."You say.Then Sarah went up and hugged her."Nice to meet you Rosemary."Sarah said.And for once in Rosemary's life she felt happy.

Hey guys!This is actually the last chapter of this story but I'm going to make another story about Fallout 3 and zombies combined so get ready for that story.Emo out!

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