The Evil You

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You woke after that creepy little girl stuck that needle in your neck.But you weren't on the couch as you remember.You were on a checkered floorboard with darkness surrounding everything but the small area.You heard a laugh behind you but it wasn't Samantha's laugh.You looked behind you and saw your worst nightmare:Your Evil Twin.She had your same (H/L) hair and (H/C) but she had blue skin and red eyes."Well nice to see you again (Y/N)."She said with an evil smirk."How can this be possible Rosemary?I thought I got rid of you!"You told her with madness in your voice."Well,that nice girl let me out of this horrible place but now you have to stay here and watch me kill everyone you love."Rosemary said very evilly."No,No,No!"You yelled as tears filled your eyes."Well I got to go now (Y/N).Tata!"She said disappearing as her knee-length white dress flowed behind her.

You were still crying after your evil twin left and started to think how this all started,

Reader-chan was 2.
You were in your room playing with your favorite toys when you heard giggling but you didn't know where it was coming from."Hello?"you asked the person who laughed as you looked around your room."Oh I'm not in any of those places.I'm in your mind."A voice said.Them next thing you knew you were in a darn place except there was a checkerboard with a girl that looked like you but different."Who are you?"you asked."I'm Rosemary.I'm your twin but I'm not the same as you are."The girl said.You smiled at her then went up and hugged her.She didn't really know how to respond to that hug so she just wrapped her arms around you."So we have a family now.I can't wait to meet them."Rosemary said.You smiled faded then you said,"Sorry but I won't let you mess up my shot for a
family.that's why I can't ever let you out of my brain."Rosemary gasped at this the you locked her up in a cage and said,"I'm sorry."That's when you locked this in the deepest part of your mind.

Hey everyone!I hope you liked this story and if you did click that vote button and comment as well.If people comment their real names below or a name you really like that you wish was yours I will feature it in the rest of the story until it's over.I will also give you credit for as well.Emo out!

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